Heathrow 3rd Runway Won't Fly If It Busts UK Carbon Targets, Miliband 1
00:00Look, I absolutely agree with the CCC, and I want to be absolutely clear about this,
00:05that any aviation expansion must be accounted for as part of carbon budgets.
00:11On their balance pathway, there was a 25% increase in passenger numbers by 2050.
00:16Which is within existing airport capacity.
00:18Now we have a range of mechanisms to make sure that any aviation expansion is consistent
00:22with our carbon budgets.
00:23I actually think we, maybe it doesn't look like it, but I think we agree about this,
00:27which is any aviation expansion must be justified within the framework of carbon budgets.
00:34And I can absolutely assure you, that is the position of the government.
00:38And that is the basis, without anticipating anything that might be announced or might
00:42not be announced, that is absolutely the basis on which the government stands.
00:47In that case, Secretary of State, given that aviation expansion will increase emissions
00:51from the aviation sector, which sectors are you suggesting should contract their emissions
00:56even further in order to accommodate any proposed airport expansion?
01:00Well look, that is a specific question about the pathway of aviation emissions, and that
01:06depends on a whole range of factors, as you will know, including the use of sustainable
01:12aviation fuel, airport efficiency and what other decisions are done.
01:18But I think I just want to provide this reassurance, because you've made a really important point.
01:21Carbon Budget 7 comes out next month.
01:27That will be very, very important, because that will give a greater sense of the pathway
01:33for framing decisions the government makes.
01:35So I just want to provide this element of reassurance to you, which is 100% any aviation
01:43expansion must be justified within carbon budgets, and if it can't be justified it won't go ahead.