• 2 months ago
Watson 1x02 Season 1 Episode 2 Promo - Redcoat


00:00a 22 caliber slug lodged in a left temporal lobe.
00:06There has to be something that we can do.
00:08Yes, there's always something we can do.
00:10We might be able to save your life, Andrew.
00:12This season on Watson.
00:14The Holmes Clinic
00:16is a magnet for unusual cases.
00:18A glowing chest.
00:20I have so many questions.
00:22The patient had no fingerprints.
00:24And the grandson shared the same condition.
00:26Here's a problem worthy of Sherlock Holmes.
00:28Somebody help!
00:30There is something inside of me eating its way out.
00:32Can you see the teeth marks?
00:34We're gonna help her. Mysteries are what we do.
00:36You're all excellent doctors.
00:38But as detectives, you're pretty much newborn fawns.
00:40The mind
00:42takes away clues, smells, sights,
00:44sounds. Pay attention
00:46and tell you exactly where to go.
00:48Lurk and snoop. Copy.
00:50A mutual
00:52employer has a task for you.
00:54More reality.
00:56Dr. Watson's prescriptions with these pills.
01:00Watson's not okay.
01:02What am I doing to the man?
01:08I can't abandon these patients.
01:10They need me.
01:12I need them.
01:14What we're doing here is going to make a difference.
01:16I trust my team.
01:18I promise you we're in good hands.
01:22How do you know my name?
01:24I know a lot more than your name.
01:26Watson. New episodes return
01:28CBS Sunday, February 16th
01:30and streaming on Paramount+.
01:32In three weeks, Watson returns
01:34with more fascinating mysteries.
01:36Now I know it's a long time, but
01:38I promise you it'll be worth the wait.
01:40The next episode starts with the bang
01:42and only gets twistier
01:44from there. See for yourself when Watson returns.
01:46Watson. New episodes
01:48return CBS February 16th
01:50and streaming on Paramount+.