• vor 2 Monaten
Die oscarnominierte Dokumentation I am Ready, Warden widmet sich dem verurteilten Mörder John Henry Ramirez, der in Texas die Todesstrafe erhält. Während er sich auf den Abschied von seiner Familie vorbereitet, versucht er zugleich, Kontakt zum Sohn seines Opfers aufzunehmen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/i-am-ready-warden


00:00We each have our own free will.
00:05I'll never be able to make amends for taking a life.
00:08I'm a murderer.
00:10I'll never overcome it.
00:14I was 14.
00:15I remember waking up to police sirens and lights
00:19and seeing my father's body on the ground.
00:24This man stabbed somebody 29 times.
00:27The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
00:29unanimously denied clemency for John Henry Ramirez.
00:32In the interest of justice,
00:33our office shouldn't be involved in murdering Texas citizens.
00:40I just had all the anger and hate in the world.
00:45He always said,
00:46I'm going to be a better father than my dad.
00:49I don't think if I would have stayed free,
00:51he would have grown up to be who he is right now.
00:54John asked me,
00:56would you be my godmother?
00:58He is just not that person he was then.
01:01Due process was done.
01:02Now we're changing our moral judgment.
01:05What will you gain if I die?
01:07If I sink into the grave?
01:10You're going to just forgive and that's it.
01:12He should pay for what he did.
01:15I made the most changes I could.
01:17I bettered myself as much as I could and that's enough.
01:20I love you.