• vor 2 Monaten
Mit ihrem oscarnominierten Dokumentarfilm Black Box Diaries klärt Journalistin Shiori Ito den Tathergang des sexuellen Übergriffs auf, den sie von einem prominenten Täter erfuhr. Dabei deckt sie auch die völlig veralteten juristischen und gesellschaftlichen Systeme auf, die solche Täter decken.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/black-box-diaries


00:00I have a chance to talk about what happened to me.
00:04I'm scared, but all I want to do is talk about the truth.
00:18Many people already witnessed what kind of negative reactions I've got.
00:22It's tough because there's no evidence.
00:27Our justice system is not working.
00:29Without these recordings, no one would believe what I heard.
00:35I've been in contact with the police, including Prime Minister Abe.
00:41I told them to leave the organization.
00:44Ito-san's future is in danger.
00:49I remember now.
00:52For me, being silent wasn't an option.
00:55What are you doing?
00:56I have to be speaking up.
01:00I'm just a journalist who experienced this.
01:07I'm sorry.
01:09There's no guarantee for my life.
01:15Everywhere, people start speaking up.
01:17Chefs are the future of our generation.
01:20You're a chef.
01:22Good luck.
01:24Good luck.
01:29I'm still here.