• 2 months ago


00:00Pongase comodo, porque acá, se abre el telón, comienza la emoción de la primera división, desde El Salvador, señal internacional, a través del tradición en deportes, la primera que tocaba Kakawate, que ya la domina, sin problema alguno, Mario González, en el juego de despedida, para Rodolfo Zelaya, el que sale jugando desde el fondo es el flaco Mancilla, tocando ahora para el chicho Orellana, que va a querer saltar filas, buscaba a Andrés Hernández, recupera ahora, el conjunto cafetalero,
00:29que pone la pausa, busca con quien acompañarse, roba ahora en el sector central Los Almos, tocando rápido para este, que está desubicado, descontrolado.
00:38Bueno, esa es una marca, si usted observa, es una marca en zona, no marcan hombre a hombre.
00:44Se viene segundo poste, la pelota que la baja, después le queda a Christopher Guardado, que va tocando para Angelo Rodríguez, ahora se puede venir la transición ofensiva, pero muy bien en rojo, Kelvin Hernández, como llega, recupera la pelota, e incluso está negociando la infracción.
00:59Ahí se complementa muy bien, y alianza se le puede complicar.
01:02De la juega de manos, Enríquez buscando a Andrés Hernández, auxilio defensivo ahí era, el amonestado Guillermo Fuentes, recuperan nuevamente Los Almos, ahí la tiene Fito, se quita la primera marca, le puede pegar Rodolfo Zelaya, directamente a la ubicación del Pavos Oscar Sánchez.
01:18Minuto 22, ahí está el homenaje que también hace la afición que se ha hecho presente al Estadio Jorge Mágico González, y lo que vemos ya vaticinado, es todo, damas y caballeros, se retira el fútbol, Rodolfo Antonio Zelaya, máximo goleador de Los Almos de la alianza.
01:42Ocho títulos para Rodolfo Antonio Zelaya, 176 goles, 170 goles de ellos en la liga salvadoreña, seis en competencias internacionales, ocho títulos locales, lo que deja el delantero corriendo de Usulután, cinco campeonatos de goleo, máximo goleador de Los Paquidermos en torneos cortos, jugador con más goles en torneos cortos con un solo equipo y el gesto...
02:10Exactamente, qué bueno, eh.
02:13Y ha marcado el primero, Aparicio, balonazo largo, buscando a Márquez, ojo al error, se puede venir el primero, se viene el servicio, la pelota que pasa saludando todo el pórtico de Los Almos de la alianza.
02:25Y viene en el aire, van a buscar la pelota, eh.
02:28Se viene Lara con la ejecución del tiro de Merti, se lo hace, manchó penal el cabezazo, cuando se había sumado al ataque el capitán, Rinaldo Aparicio, y ojo porque ahora se había descuidado en el fondo, se viene Angelo Rodríguez, pero atento.
02:39El número 11 que tiene par de asistencias y goles también, comenzando desde el banquillo, la jornada anterior, se va a venir el servicio por parte de Juan Carlos Portillo, Leale, ahí aparece, Angelo Rodríguez, le pega el gol.
03:20the rebound that he wanted to reject, Kaka Watike, who was there, Angelo Rodríguez, the footwear, there is the play, he makes a mistake, the rejection, he passes, he hits him and he puts him, he appears against Alianza, they are going to win, the night of the 22 of Fito Celaya, against Angelo Rodríguez, they put 1-0 to Alianza
03:45There it is, as we had said, the combo outwards, the pifia by Marquez, second consecutive, now he is going to change it, eye that the ball is left over, it appeared on the central sector, Christopher Guardado, closes the curtain of the first half, 1-0, Alianza FC is winning, Kaka Watike is trying here
04:09Well, there we are, the first half ends, Alianza goes with the victory, the cameramen, 1-0, let's see how Kaka Watike reacts in the second half, who did not do it badly, but it was not in that possibility that he had to be able to convert, Alianza takes it, the game worked, some Alianza players will have to appear or improve
04:39Of the first division, Alianza that is looking to jump ranks with that long ball that Oscar El Pavo Sánchez has, 1-0, the Albos win it in the stadium, Jorge Mágico González, who greets Kelvin Carpio in the company of Professor Juan Andrés Arulite, bringing to the emotion the first international sign of tradition in sports, he made a mistake in appearance, the ball belongs to the Albos, teacher without variants
05:05Exactly, we have not seen the changes yet, well, we will have to see how it is handled in the second half, the sixth that Alianza handles
05:35But he holds it in the background, and that is what Alianza wins with Ernesto Corti, he is going to hit him from a long distance, Narciso Orellana, the shot, in the background, two hands, it appeared in a good way, Oscar Sánchez, the daring that is appreciated
05:51Robin Borja, he supports himself in a good way with Alex Riquez, this one that leaves him for the creative that Alianza has, the number 10, saved, he also raises his sight, he was looking for the service, he better accompanies Rodriguez, this one can hit him from a long distance, the shot, he opened the box, he opened the comb, the ball that went far from the left parry of El Pavo Sánchez
06:13It has not worked for him, when he plays short, he already has the authorization, if he comes in the execution of the free shot, he hits him, and a past service comes looking for parry, the shot, the shot, goal, goal of Kakawatike
06:37Germán Águila appeared, for that they brought him, the Oriental teams feel good, and Germán Águila in Jorge Mágico González on the night of the 22, says moment
06:52There goes the free shot, we said, if he does not raise it, it does not work for him, Aparicio, Águila in the combination, half Chilean, I'm going to sit down, but before I hit the ball, there is the ball, he falls in love with the romance of the night, Águila, you hugged the boy, what did you do, he is going to sing the 1 to 1 for this alliance that we said
07:15Germán Águila with his left leg, he moves away and he is going to hit him, Aparicio is going to hit him with his right leg, goal, goal of Kakawatike
07:35We said it, we mentioned it, because the second can arrive, and there it is, with the boat against Mario González, Reinaldo, Aparicio with the second, in the magic González
07:51Four minutes, free shot, the ball bites him badly, and there it was, Aparicio with that missile, inside, my soul hugs his teammates, night of colors, the white and the red, I stay with the red 2 to 1
08:09Everything is going to wait, because the ball is coming, attention, because here the curtain closes, the victory is for the sports club Kakawatike, we said it, and surely he is going to hug his dad
