• 2 months ago
Creator Cooper Raiff and stars Lili Reinhart, Havana Rose Liu, Addison Timlin, Alyah Chanelle Scott and Christopher Meyer stop by THR's studio in Park City to dish all about their new series 'Hal & Harper.' Raiff talks about how the show focuses on codependency and the stars dish on the moment they were left starstruck.


00:00Does anyone remember the first time they were starstruck?
00:05I saw him in a bathroom and he was, I kid you not, humming his own song.
00:15I made a movie and sold it and it felt like we sold it on the backs of so many independent movies that have been sold before.
00:24And I really wanted Helen Harper to be a movie because I knew the model, I knew the path, but it was just a TV show.
00:32Like it just always felt like I wanted to explore characters in a way that only the medium of TV could allow.
00:40But it was really scary and still is really scary to think about.
00:45It makes sense on paper just to take the model of independent movies with TV, but TV people don't have any reason to.
00:56I don't know how many TV people are even at Sundance ready to buy things.
01:00We kind of have to make a little more noise, I think.
01:04Given the kind of difference in the way, in the business model here, but did it feel any different actually making it than other stuff you've done or did that feel still pretty much the same?
01:14Have I done the same? Okay.
01:17I mean the schedule wasn't to be taken lightly. It was like, yes, maybe what we shoot today, we may not.
01:24But we were all game and you can't make a show like this, like an indie show with a very limited budget without people who are just game to be present and to be flexible.
01:36And I think we're lucky that we had people who were willing to do that.
01:39And a shout out to Mark, who's obviously not here, but what this incredible actor was so just very down all the time to do whatever we needed to do to make the show work.
01:51And he's incredible, obviously.
01:53Does anyone here have a codependent sibling relationship that they use to help?
01:58I battle with codependency as a human.
02:01Why are you laughing?
02:03And so, yeah, I think that that's the show really is in every way about codependency and not the like, we're all so close and we should rely on each other.
02:14It's like the intricacies of what, why that when codependency is born in your childhood and also how it like how it damages relationships in the present.
02:26And I tried to with the show, especially in the editing show, how each partner of each family member is kind of going through a very similar thing in a way.
02:38Does anyone remember the first time they were starstruck?
02:41Mine was J. Cole outside of Krispy Kreme.
02:45Yeah, I'm a J. Cole fan.
02:47And I said or I tried to say something and it came out like as just gibberish.
02:54I was like, what?
02:56Nothing, bro.
02:58He was like, hi, man.
03:00I think I drove five hours to Dallas as a kid from Baystown.
03:05You did?
03:06I did.
03:07To see Demi Lovato at a mall.
03:11She was late.
03:13She was like, I'm sick.
03:16I was like, yes.
03:19That was it.
03:20Was it a was it a concert or was it like.
03:22I just think she was supposed to be there to be like, hi and bye.
03:25But we we showed up.
03:27Lady Gaga was someone that I shook hands with.
03:30And that was the first time I ever became like tongue tied.
03:33She was co-hosting the Met Ball.
03:36And I was so I was like at the top of the stairs.
03:38You shake the hands of the people who are hosting.
03:41I don't know if you're lucky.
03:44I looked into her eyes and I was like, I'm looking into Lady Gaga's eyes.
03:47And I just was like, you choose you.
03:51It's so nice to have you here.
03:53And I was like, I don't know.
03:55Yeah, it was mild.
03:57I was just like looking into the eyes of someone that you've seen on a screen for so long.
04:02It's like you just you like, oh, my God, you have eyes.
