• 2 months ago
The stubborn old Chinese man who refused to sell his house because a government project was going to pass through it admits that he regrets today because he craved compensation worth many times the value of the house and lost everything.

The Chinese government built a road around his house and he is now in the middle of the street and he says he can't sleep anymore because the cars make the house shake and are noisy and he regrets turning down the 1.6 million yuan (830,000 riyals) payment.

Elderly Huang Ping from Hunan Province lives at home with his wife and grandson. He now lives in the middle of a busy road and he and his family have to go through a pipe to get outside.

“I wish I could go back in time and accept the government’s offer,” Huang said. “I lost my bet.”

In return, tourists come to see the house from inside and outside China, and Huang is thinking of exploiting that to make money.


