• 2 months ago
“Maudgalyāyana had magical powers of a mortal, and He had to use His mind to control them through mantras and rituals. It needed to be done through His physical body."

"The Buddha’s magical powers were transcendental powers, and egoless powers. He was doing without doing. […] You deliver sentient beings without thinking there’s sentient being to be delivered. You do things without thinking of doing it. That is beyond Maudgalyāyana’s level of understanding."

"Maudgalyāyana used the ‘Hoola Hop’ type of mantras to perform magic. Of course it would interfere with other people’s karma, and it’s very ignorant to do things in this way. He was doing it with ego: I can change this, I can change that. But He was asking for trouble. It would create karma because it’s interfering with the karma of the Universe.”


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