MUMBAI: Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu made a stunning appearance at Sabhyasachi’s 25th-anniversary gala, donning a beautiful black saree adorned with a stylish golden border. The saree complemented her perfectly, while her blouse featured a simple full-sleeve design. She styled her hair in an elegant bun, accentuated with a real flower that added a retro touch to her look. Completing her ensemble, Bipasha opted for glamorous makeup and heavy matching earrings, along with a chic Sabyasachi wallet that perfectly tied her entire look together.
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#BipashaBasu #Sabyasachi #SilverJubilee #SareeLook #25thanniversary #Trending #2025 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Bipasha Basu turned heads at Sabyasachi's silver jubilee with her striking black sari,
00:07which featured a stunning golden border.
00:10Its form-fitting design accentuated her timeless style very elegantly.
00:15Black added elegance to her illustrious ensemble, which made her stand apart at the event.
00:21Simple yet chic full-sleeve were the qualities used to bring out the best of the outfit.
00:26It's the only element saying nothing and yet speaking volumes by perfectly complementing
00:31the intricate details of the sari her remarkable sense of style.
00:36This sort of sophistication proved to be a perfect blend of traditionality and elegance.
00:42Her hair was fashioned and tied into a graceful bun embellished by a real flower that made
00:47her look all the more retro.
00:50This added a sweet and feminine touch that was maturely thought through and spoke of
00:55her stylishness and love for something classic.
00:58Bipasha completed her glamorous look with bold makeup and heavy ear jewelry to match
01:03the bling in the spotlight.
01:06The only other accessory was her chic Sabyasachi purse that went with the entire ensemble.
01:12Her overall appearance was a beautiful blend of tradition and modernity that established
01:17her status as a fashionista.