• 2 months ago
مدي 1 تي في : MEDI1 MORNING - 25/01/2025


00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:02In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
04:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
04:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
06:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
06:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
07:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
07:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
08:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
08:02In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
08:30In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
09:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
09:30The Spanish government, which aims to integrate seasonal workers moving to Spain,
09:36has closed its first edition with more than 200 employees,
09:40which is harmful to income in various regions of the Kingdom.
09:44This is a report by Ayub Delraza.
09:48A balanced attendance characterized by the opening of the first edition of the program Wafirah,
09:52one of the most important programs in the framework of the distinguished partnership between Morocco and its European partners.
09:58This program, which is funded by the European Union and the Spanish government,
10:02was implemented over three years,
10:04under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Integration, Small Business and Employment,
10:08with the aim of raising the positive effects of the circular migration
10:12and moving the working hand towards social and economic development in Morocco.
10:16This is an important event for the ministers to implement this Wafirah project.
10:21It is an important project because it is among the women who went to Spain and returned.
10:26There are a number of women who have made small and very small attempts.
10:30These attempts have succeeded in the field of agriculture, in the field of sales, in a number of fields.
10:37We feel proud to see women, in their own words,
10:41who were able to reach a professional project in their lives starting from this experiment.
10:50We consider this program to be a reference project,
10:53and our role is to support and enhance it,
10:56as well as our ambition to provide the necessary capabilities and resources
11:00to establish a new model for legal migration and eastern migration
11:04to the working hand between Morocco and the European Union.
11:10Two hundred and fifty women seasonal workers benefited from this program,
11:15which was carried out by a group of institutions,
11:18including the National Agency for Employment and Efficiency.
11:22After three years of work and training under the supervision of experts in the field,
11:26the beneficiaries of the program became leaders of small and medium-sized income projects,
11:31which reflected the response to their living conditions and environment.
11:39This program, which is part of the circular migration project in the framework of cooperation between Morocco and Spain,
11:44is an effective program, and the proof is these inspiring and pioneering stories
11:49of sixteen women from non-profit organizations,
11:52who today were able to achieve their financial goals and their practical energy needs.
12:02In the second phase, we will implement a more advanced version of this program.
12:07What we will focus on in the next version is uniting efforts
12:11to ensure better results than the first version achieved
12:15by increasing the number of beneficiaries and implementing this project in other countries.
12:21With the announcement of more than two hundred active income managers in different parts of Morocco,
12:26the Wafira program will be based on its first version,
12:29while the planning will begin immediately to implement the second version
12:33with more ambition, integration and impact on society.
12:38As a result of the high-level education of the Kingdom,
12:41the work of the Houthi region continues,
12:43the implementation of race procedures to face the harsh cold wave,
12:47and this includes the preparation of departments with suitable warming methods,
12:52and the provision of balanced, healthy and covered meals,
12:57which contributes to providing a comfortable and safe environment for students.
13:02This is a report by Issam Al-Abbari.
13:05In the city of Fatma in the Houthi region, where the harsh cold is intense,
13:11one of the community schools is active.
13:15Students start their day with an active class in the school courtyard,
13:20which warms the atmosphere of a sunny morning, but it is cold,
13:25and prepares them for a full day of study.
13:29Inside the departments, teachers make sure to check the heating ovens
13:35to ensure a warm atmosphere in departments that respond to school conditions
13:41and are decorated to welcome local students from all over the community.
13:50We make sure to face this cold wave through four points.
13:56The first point is to prepare the departments with heating and providing it.
14:03The second point is that we always start the morning with sports activities
14:08to first assess the students' health condition,
14:13and secondly to provide morning activities.
14:16Thirdly, we always coordinate with the local authorities and the regional manager,
14:22since we are an internal school,
14:26so we always make sure to coordinate in case of a cold wave.
14:34As the break time approaches, students go to the dining room,
14:39where they are served balanced and healthy meals.
14:43These meals are prepared with care in this cold weather.
14:48It is not just a meal for the body,
14:51but it is a message of concern to ensure that they are fully prepared
14:56to benefit from their day of study.
14:59Thanks to the guidance of Mr. Nasser,
15:02the regional manager can provide all financial and material resources
15:07for the normal functioning of the institution.
15:10With these resources, the regional manager can provide us with enough heating,
15:17and provide us with the necessary clothing for the students,
15:22and provide us with the necessary nutrition and health care for the students.
15:28At the end of the day, the internal school provides warm clothing
15:33for the students in the harsh winter nights,
15:36while the students add their touch to decorate the place
15:41to remain warm in spirit and beauty.
15:45Seventy-five tons of firewood were distributed
15:49in the current year,
15:52in addition to reinforcing the study rooms with firewood
15:56necessary in the framework of operations aimed at strengthening and convincing,
16:01and distributing 350 additional firewood.
16:04In addition to this, care was given to the boarding schools,
16:09and the boarding schools for the students,
16:13as well as the university schools,
16:16thus providing the necessary and appropriate conditions
16:20to deal with the harsh winter.
16:23This school is a living example of the royal care
16:27that guarantees the students their right to learn
16:31in an environment that preserves their dignity
16:34and plants hope in their future.
16:39The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
16:42has organized a medical caravan
16:45for the residents of areas that are in harsh climatic conditions
16:49in order to provide medical and nursing services.
16:52This is the report of Mohamed Rish.
16:55In the context of facing the effects of the harsh winter
16:58that the mountainous and rural areas in the Kingdom are experiencing,
17:02Al-Hajab region has organized a humanitarian medical caravan
17:06for the benefit of the affected residents of the areas
17:09in a humanitarian step under the supervision
17:12of the Regional Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.
17:15In cooperation with the specialized medical teams
17:18through a multi-specialty medical caravan,
17:21the aim is to provide the necessary medical services
17:24to the residents of the areas that are suffering
17:27from low temperatures.
17:29We have a lot of cold,
17:32the conditions are difficult and the living conditions are difficult.
17:35We thank God for the help of this medical caravan
17:38that came to our villages.
17:41The conditions are a bit difficult
17:44because this region belongs to Al-Hajab region
17:47and Al-Hajab is known for its cold in this area.
17:50We would like to thank God for this event
17:53and we would like to thank the Ministry of Health
17:56for providing the necessary medical services
17:59to the people of Najd.
18:02We have been planning to organize this event
18:05throughout the year,
18:08but we are not able to do it because of the cold.
18:11The caravan included free medical tests,
18:14distribution of basic medicines
18:17and medical interventions in case of emergency.
18:20The conditions are very difficult
18:23because of the cold and the heat.
18:26We thank God for this caravan
18:29that came to our villages
18:32and the people who helped us.
18:35We thank God for their efforts.
18:38This caravan is very important
18:41for the residents of the region
18:44because Al-Hajab is a model
18:47for positive interaction with the seasonal challenges
18:50through improving the living conditions
18:53especially during the difficult times.
18:56This humanitarian work is necessary
18:59to establish the values of solidarity
19:02and solidarity of the Moroccan society.
19:06The Moroccan Ministry of Interior
19:09announced that the security forces
19:12shot someone in Tunis yesterday evening
19:15after he set fire to his body
19:18and killed him.
19:21The Ministry of Interior stated
19:24that a person shot himself
19:27and went to the security forces
19:30and shot himself
19:33to protect his colleague
19:36who was burned and taken to the hospital.
19:39The source added that he was identified
19:42as the deceased and that he was suffering
19:45from psychological disorders.
19:49He was taken to the hospital
19:52and his condition is stable.
20:00The United Nations Secretary-General
20:03António Guterres
20:06appointed Hanna Sirwa Tite
20:09as a special representative
20:12for the United Nations in Libya
20:15The United Nations Secretary-General
20:18António Guterres
20:21appointed Hanna Sirwa Tite
20:24as a special representative
20:27for the United Nations
20:30in Libya
20:33The United Nations Secretary-General
20:36António Guterres
20:39appointed Hanna Sirwa Tite
20:42as a special representative
20:45for the United Nations in Libya