• 2 months ago
Buckle up for a wild ride through history's most mind-bending conspiracy theories! From COVID-19 to the Moon landing, we're diving deep into the most outrageous explanations behind some of the world's most significant events that have sparked intense speculation and debate.
00:00For some people, conspiracy theories become very attractive
00:04because they're offering psychological comfort.
00:08Welcome to WatchMojo.
00:10And today we're counting down our picks
00:12for the most famous historical events
00:14that created the wackiest
00:16and most outlandish conspiracy theories.
00:18Those of us who'd been in secret ops since the beginning
00:20knew the Warren Commission was fiction.
00:24Number 10, COVID-19.
00:26Why have we seen this uprising, do you think?
00:28People who may never have decided to go public
00:32with their views are doing that.
00:33Why is that?
00:35Because some things just don't make sense with this.
00:38The start of 2020 was a very scary time
00:40with COVID-19 sending the world into panic and confusion.
00:44Unfortunately, we didn't know much about the virus
00:47or how it operated,
00:48resulting in a slew of ridiculous conspiracy theories.
00:51Bill Gates was accused of using the pandemic
00:54as a pretext to implant tracking microchips in people
00:58through vaccines, fueling anti-vaccine sentiment.
01:02If there was a vaccine.
01:05Would you take it?
01:06Hmm, that's a very interesting question.
01:11Even more believed that 5G cellular networks
01:14were either spreading the virus
01:16or weakening people's immune systems,
01:18resulting in the vandalism and burning of 5G towers.
01:22And some didn't even believe in the virus itself,
01:25arguing that the pandemic was a complete fabrication
01:28designed to control populations and introduce martial law.
01:32We don't know how they explained
01:33all of the sick and dying people.
01:36Well, yes, if you believe an increasing number
01:38of increasingly angry people
01:42who are convinced coronavirus is nothing more
01:44than a sinister plot to control their lives.
01:48Number nine, the death of Nero.
01:50There are bigger things at stake than my life.
01:56Nero has lost his mind.
01:58Conspiracy theories aren't a new phenomenon.
02:01They've been around for a very long time,
02:04as evidenced by the ones that cropped up
02:06after the death of Nero.
02:08The Roman emperor died at age 30 in 68 AD,
02:11having taken his own life after fleeing Rome.
02:14As there were only a handful of witnesses
02:16to his alleged death,
02:17many people suspected that he had faked it
02:20and would one day return to Rome
02:22to violently reclaim his throne.
02:24Prophecies and omens were interpreted
02:26as signs of his imminent return,
02:29and multiple imposters claimed to be Nero
02:31throughout the years.
02:33Some even believed that he was dead,
02:35but that through divine intervention,
02:37he would return from the grave
02:39and reclaim power as a vengeful spirit.
02:42Obviously, the Christians hated Nero.
02:44He was the Antichrist.
02:45Number eight, the sinking of the Titanic.
02:48The ship will sink.
02:52Are you certain?
02:54In an hour or so.
02:56All this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic.
02:58On the morning of April 15th, 1912,
03:01the Titanic went under the Atlantic,
03:03taking roughly 1,500 people with her.
03:05We know that the ship hit an iceberg,
03:07but as she was deemed unsinkable,
03:10her tragic demise has birthed many conspiracy theories.
03:13But this ship can't sink.
03:14She's made of iron, sir.
03:16I assure you, she can.
03:18And she will.
03:19One of the most famous
03:20is that American financier J.P. Morgan
03:23orchestrated the sinking
03:24to kill off some business rivals
03:26who were traveling on the ship.
03:27This theory is entirely baseless,
03:29not to mention extremely libelous.
03:31Another popular theory posits
03:33that the White Star Line swapped the brand new Titanic
03:36with her damaged sister ship, Olympic,
03:38in an elaborate insurance scam.
03:41And of course, there are the wacky ones,
03:43like a cursed mummy being secretly stowed on board
03:46and taking the ship down.
03:47Sway, a-two-way, a-two-way, a-two-way.
03:55You must not read from the book!
03:57Number seven, Hitler's death.
04:00No nichts zu verraten.
04:03Nichts zu ändern.
04:05Adolf Hitler took his own life on April 30th, 1945
04:09upon the imminent defeat of Nazi Germany.
04:11But his body was burned,
04:13and an official death certificate
04:15wasn't issued for another decade.
04:17And without a body or official proof that he was dead,
04:20many people believe that Hitler was still out there.
04:23Alemane Nazi.
04:25And one of these guys was Adolf Hitler.
04:28He was right there.
04:30He wasn't wearing a mask.
04:32The most famous conspiracy theory posits
04:34that Hitler and Eva Braun faked their deaths
04:37and fled to Argentina to live under assumed identities.
04:40Some even take this theory one step further,
04:43claiming that he fled to Antarctica
04:45and lived in a secret Nazi base.
04:48And some even believe
04:49that the Allies had secretly captured Hitler
04:51and were using him for intelligence purposes
04:53as part of Operation Paperclip.
04:55Nazi scientists, some of them tied to war crimes,
04:58including horrific concentration camp experiments,
05:01brought to the US in a secret program
05:03to advance American security interests during the Cold War.
05:07It sounds like the plot of a film drama,
05:10but it actually happened, and on a large scale.
05:12Number six, the death of Princess Diana.
05:15Confirmation from our very own Foreign Secretary,
05:18Robin Cook, who's in the Far East at the moment,
05:21that Diana, Princess of Wales,
05:24has in fact been killed in that car accident.
05:27One of the most enduring conspiracy theories of our time
05:30concerns the death of Princess Diana.
05:33The world was left stunned on August 31st, 1997,
05:37when a car carrying Diana crashed
05:39inside Paris's Pont de l'Alma tunnel.
05:42The princess died following a brief struggle
05:44with some horrific injuries.
05:46A slew of conspiracy theories were born from the event,
05:49the most famous of which is that the royal family
05:52had her killed and that MI6
05:54had secretly orchestrated the crash.
05:56There's no doubt that Princess Diana's death was an accident.
06:00Are you absolutely...
06:01There were never any sort of nagging feelings for you
06:04after this all concluded?
06:05There's nothing you look back on and think,
06:07mm, that was an avenue that was still open to us?
06:11No, I'm absolutely convinced, totally.
06:14This theory has endured in popular culture for decades,
06:18and it has resulted in a significant stain
06:20on the public reputation of the royal family.
06:23However, numerous reports and investigations
06:25have discredited the theory,
06:27putting most of the blame
06:28on the intoxicated driver, Henri Paul.
06:31They said that his alcohol reading
06:33was three times normal amount.
06:36He lost control of the car,
06:40and it's possible that he was mixing alcohol
06:42with prescription medicines for depression
06:45and driving way too fast to try and outbase the paparazzi.
06:49Number five, building the pyramids.
06:52How did Egyptians build the pyramids?
06:54Did they start at the top and work down
06:57or start at the bottom and work up?
06:58For some reason, we just can't accept
07:01that ancient civilizations were smart.
07:03We can't seem to fathom
07:05that the Egyptians built the magnificent pyramids,
07:07so we've resorted to ridiculous conspiracy theories
07:10in an attempt to explain how they came to be.
07:13Many supernatural explanations have been put forth,
07:16arguing that the pyramids were constructed by divine beings,
07:20or at least constructed with the help of divine intervention.
07:23Gods, aliens, it doesn't really matter.
07:26Point is, the Egyptians had help,
07:28and that help was not of this world.
07:30The Great Pyramid was built
07:32the level of technological sophistication
07:34far in excess of anything that we have today.
07:38Similarly, many people think
07:40that the pyramids were built using insane technology
07:43that has conveniently been lost to time,
07:46like advanced cutting tools
07:47and even some type of anti-gravity device.
07:50How else did they get those stones up there?
07:53Everything vibrates at a frequency,
07:55and if you know that frequency, you can control things.
07:59And I think that's the basic idea
08:01of what we're looking at here.
08:02Number four, 9-11.
08:05What would you have done if you'd been president?
08:06What would I have done?
08:08I would have done a legitimate investigation
08:11to find out what exactly happened on 9-11.
08:14September 11th is a topic of endless interest,
08:17as it can be studied from a number
08:18of different angles and perspectives.
08:20But there is one angle that some people are adamant about,
08:23the idea that 9-11 is a massive cover-up.
08:26The most famous and widely circulated conspiracy theory
08:29claims that the attack was an inside job
08:32and that the towers were brought down
08:34by controlled demolitions
08:35rather than the planes and resulting fires.
08:37It's a different kind of detonation.
08:40They would not leave detonator cords and devices
08:44as they do in traditional, more economical detonations.
08:48This is a very different kind of operation.
08:51But that's certainly not all.
08:52From insurance fraud to occult symbolism
08:55to secret energy weapons,
08:579-11 seemingly covers all the conspiracy bases.
09:00In fact, there's an entire quote-unquote
09:03truth movement out there,
09:04consisting of staunch adherence to the general theory
09:07that 9-11 was not a terrorist attack.
09:10There's a lot of circumstantial claims,
09:12a lot of innuendo, a lot of whack-a-mole,
09:14which you explain one thing away
09:15and they mention something else, and it never ends.
09:18Number three, the JFK assassination.
09:21We're stuck with, you know,
09:23the government offering people an implausible explanation.
09:27JFK endures as a symbol
09:29of people's lack of faith in government.
09:32Conflicting evidence, significant secrecy,
09:34and various inconsistencies have all contributed
09:38to the perception that the JFK assassination
09:40is hiding a much deeper story.
09:42Of course, everyone knows all the major theories,
09:44like the idea of multiple gunmen,
09:47or that the CIA orchestrated the assassination.
09:50But there are crazier theories.
09:52Was Kennedy killed by the Illuminati
09:54for challenging their control over global affairs?
09:57Did the mafia secretly order a hit on the president
10:00in retaliation for Robert F. Kennedy's crackdown
10:03on organized crime?
10:04And since when has the mob used anything
10:06but 38s for hits up close?
10:10Mob wouldn't have the guts or the power
10:11for something of this magnitude.
10:13Did Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson
10:15have Kennedy murdered so he could take power?
10:18Ask the conspiracy theorists,
10:20and the answer is a resounding yes.
10:22The how and the who is just scenery
10:25for the public.
10:27Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the mafia.
10:30Keeps them guessing like some kind of parlor game,
10:32prevents them from asking the most important question, why?
10:35Why was Kennedy killed?
10:37Who benefited?
10:39Who has the power to cover it up?
10:40Number two, the Roswell crash.
10:43Was this a government coverup?
10:45And the 1990s officials said it was actually
10:48a nuclear test surveillance balloon,
10:50not a weather balloon.
10:52But some still think that's a lie too, and hope.
10:55Maybe someday.
10:58The truth will come out.
11:00In the summer of 1947, a top secret balloon
11:04designed to detect Soviet nuclear tests
11:06crashed near Roswell, New Mexico.
11:09The U.S. military initially reported
11:11that a flying disc had been recovered.
11:13However, this was quickly retracted,
11:15and the military stated that the debris
11:17was from a weather balloon.
11:18Still, Mac Brazel said that he'd picked up
11:21bits of weather balloons before,
11:23and that's not what he found this time.
11:25But he was tired of all the fuss,
11:27and he let it rest.
11:28It's likely that the American government
11:30did not want to reveal the existence
11:32of their classified technology,
11:34hence the story that convinced absolutely no one.
11:38And owing to the intense secrecy surrounding the crash,
11:41combined with the curious change in story,
11:43caused the general public to believe in a coverup.
11:47The result was the UFO phenomenon of the 1940s and 50s,
11:51a phenomenon that has endured in the news
11:53and pop culture ever since.
11:55I think as Giorgio is holding this,
11:58he's holding something made
12:00by another intelligence from someplace we don't understand,
12:05and this is truly extraterrestrial.
12:08Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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12:24Number one, the moon landing.
12:26Then I did an advert with Patrick Moore,
12:28and I said, so Patrick, did they land on the moon?
12:30And he looked so annoyed with me.
12:31Yeah. Yeah.
12:32He actually explained to me how he had helped map the moon
12:35for NASA and he'd spent years on the project
12:37and the landing site was partly his idea.
12:39And if I ever spoke to him again,
12:41he was going to be sick in my eyes.
12:44Humanity accomplished what is arguably
12:46the greatest technological achievement on July 20th, 1969,
12:51when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon.
12:54It was such a monumental accomplishment
12:56that it is literally unbelievable to some,
12:58enter the countless moon landing conspiracy theories,
13:02which all amount to the general idea
13:04that we never landed on the celestial sphere.
13:07These theories have been around for decades,
13:09with many positing that the footage
13:11was filmed on a studio set
13:13and was maybe even directed by Stanley Kubrick.
13:16Well, and they say that he directed the fake movie
13:20about the fake moon landing.
13:21Well, that's the big conspiracy theory.
13:25Countless pieces of evidence prove
13:27that we did in fact land on the moon,
13:29but these do not stop the ardent supporters
13:32of the crazy theory, which according to some polls,
13:35may account for up to 20% of the American population.
13:39Wow, Neil Armstrong.
13:41Hey, wait a minute.
13:42You're supposed to be on the moon.
13:43I just saw it on TV.
13:45Oh, there's a tape delay and with all the solar winds.
13:55Do you believe in any of these theories?
13:57Let us know in the comments below.
13:59But what do these conspiracy theorists know that we don't?
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