• 2 months ago


00:00Yeah, listen, I'm going to just say it now.
00:03I think that Jimmy Butler has spread his cancer all over the heat and he has ruined their
00:12I do believe they'll never recover from this disastrous guy that is, you know, purged on
00:20I mean, he's literally, he's ruined them.
00:22Like they don't matter anymore at all.
00:24Like I watched them play last night, they suck.
00:29And I, it has trickled down to the other players and you do, and I do kind of feel
00:33bad for some of them.
00:34You got like Tyler Hero is a great player, but like the last thing he wants to do before
00:39these games and they showed him in the morning shoot around, like all he did was spend four
00:43and a half minutes, five minutes asking, answering questions about, you know, Jimmy not being
00:49And Tyler was like, you know, what am I going to do?
00:50It's just like, you know, you got a job, someone doesn't show up to work, you still
00:55got to do your job.
00:56You got, you still got to go and do it.
00:58So it's like, it's draining on probably everybody, Spolstro, the other players.
01:03It's just too much.
01:04Get rid of them.
01:06All right, here we go.
01:08So I'm sure that, uh, Bill talked to you about this.
01:10The Bucks had a travel situation, right?
01:13They had to stay in new Orleans because of the storm.
01:16They had to fly yesterday, the day of the game, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
01:20You say it all the time.
01:22I don't want to hear from these guys.
01:23They fly in these private planes.
01:26They got everything catered to them, but what's the big deal if they got a little travel
01:32Well, guess who agrees with you, Scotty Giannis.
01:35Here we go.
01:36You know, at the end of the day, we still woke up in a five star hotel, right?
01:40Had breakfast, you know, diet, uh, sit down as a team, talk as a team while we're waiting
01:47for the bus.
01:48We had the pretty nice bus ride.
01:51Then we, uh, went to our plane, charter plane, private plane.
01:56Everybody has their own seat.
01:57You can order some food in the plane, get some, um, fruits if you want to have drinks
02:03Uh, after that, your cars are, you know, warm, uh, right in front of the plane waiting for
02:11You get in your car and you get to the arena in like, uh, 15 minutes.
02:15And after that you do your routine and you get ready for the game that, you know, for
02:19me, those conditions are not that bad.
02:21I have been in way, way worse conditions in my life.
02:25But if you want to call this adversity, I'm pretty much, I'm very happy and proud of how
02:30the, uh, the team responded that we were, you know, even though we did all that, we
02:35were that team.
