• 2 months ago
Wendy Williams sounds just like her old self, and she doesn't deserve to be locked up in a conservatorship that's bordering on a jail sentence ... so says the comedian Luenell.


00:00Wendy Williams and her communications with her friends, this is what it's come down to.
00:04We've been telling you that she is in this memory care facility, which she refers to as a luxury prison,
00:11that she has not left in how long?
00:14Well, she's been at this place in New York for seven months, but before that she was in Connecticut and a facility there.
00:20So this has been going on for three years.
00:22Her friends can't contact her.
00:24She can only call out.
00:25So we played a video earlier this week of one of Wendy's friends.
00:30On now on TMZ Live.
00:31We played it here.
00:33Lunell was very upset about what she'd seen and heard was going on with Wendy
00:38and said some some very pointed things about the legal guardians overseeing Wendy.
00:45Well, turns out Wendy saw that.
00:49We got Lunell at LAX when we got her.
00:52She was on her way to New York.
00:54We got her now back at LAX and there is an update as far as her and Wendy.
00:59I think that this is like an incarceration.
01:04Luckily for me.
01:07God bless me.
01:08And I talked to Wendy today.
01:10You talked to Wendy today.
01:11I talked to Wendy today.
01:13How did how did okay?
01:14Listen, how did how did she sound?
01:15She sounded like the old Wendy.
01:17She sounded fine.
01:19She sounded great.
01:20Clearly, she's clean and sober.
01:21Yeah, which is a wonderful thing for everybody and her health.
01:25She's anxious to get out get back out there.
01:28I told her there's a whole movement out here going on trying to you know,
01:31hashtag free Wendy.
01:33It doesn't make any sense what they're putting her through.
01:36She's not committed any crime, right?
01:38And so why is she being incarcerated in this place that she doesn't belong?
01:43So I got to tell you I spoke to Wendy on Friday Saturday Sunday and
01:49Monday and I've talked to her multiple times over the weekend.
01:54My evaluation is the same as Lunel's.
01:57It's the old Wellney Williams and she is sober now and
02:00she had a low low low point where she needed help,
02:07but sometimes that changes and it changed for her and
02:10the woman I'm hearing and listening to and
02:14knowing her circumstances it makes no sense to me
02:18why she is held up the way she is without any real freedom.
02:24I concur with one else.
02:26Hi y'all.
02:26I'm Layla Mitchell out of Roanoke, Virginia and
02:29to me this whole Wendy Williams situation just seems so unfair.
02:33You know, if she's as clean and as sharp as everyone is saying she is
02:37then I don't think she should be stuck in a conservatorship,
02:39you know calling it incarceration might be extreme, but
02:43it's clear that something isn't adding up and
02:45I'm just interested to see what the future holds.
02:48Yeah, there will be developments.
02:50I promise you.
