• 2 months ago
00:00what a wild 24 hours it was in the state of florida featuring two franchises in the national
00:06football league and one coach his name liam cohen those two nfl organizations the jacksonville
00:13jaguars and the tampa bay buccaneers it was a wild scenario yesterday the will he won't we
00:21the he said she said the back and forth and the entire scenario following liam cohen and where
00:28he will coach in 2025 ultimately it results in a new head man for the jacksonville jaguars liam
00:36cohen after one year as the offensive coordinator in tampa bay now becomes the new head coach in
00:43juval county for this jags organization that seemingly was going to be the case drs but the
00:49timeline is important on wednesday morning when we were here on the early line we brought you the
00:56breaking news that despite seeming like he was the front runner to take that head coaching vacancy
01:02in jacksonville liam cohen pulled himself out of the running for said job a lot of speculation
01:10around trent bulky's role in making jacksonville an attractive destination 16 days after doug
01:17peterson was fired on wednesday afternoon bulky was finally dismissed by chat con in jacksonville
01:25okay what would the jaguars do would they go back to the drawing board would they reach out once
01:30again to liam cohen that's exactly what they did yesterday cohen secretly takes a visit to the
01:37jags despite telling the buccaneers he was going to sign a new contract extension to make him the
01:43highest paid coordinator in the nfl this upcoming season to stay with the bucks the bucks reach out
01:50liam where are you we're ready for you to sign we've got it in the conference room they don't
01:55hear back from liam cohen or his representation and ultimately in jacksonville they agreed to a
02:02deal liam cohen now the new head coach of this jaguars organization yeah let's get to the bottom
02:08of the basics because let's start where how the actual day played out which i did get a little
02:12bit of a chuckle on if anybody i guess if you could say like if you are a husband with kids
02:17a lot of the times the wife is going to do some of the duties here if you're a professional
02:20football coach even in the like the off season like you are in game planning figuring out what's
02:26happening here the fact that he's like look can't get to the phone just took my kid out to the doctor
02:30you know that didn't happen so immediately when you're in tampa bay you're saying like man
02:34something's fishy we got a monster contract on the table he already said he's going to come
02:38back and agree that's like you know what i can't come in to sign life-changing money to assure you
02:42that i'm coming back to your franchise because maybe my kid has a little bit of sniffles here
02:45i got to take him around the corner he would have been in the minute that that contract was
02:49agreed to he would have gone like you know what do you need me to fax it over do you need to drive
02:52it over do you need to get a courier to take it over to you should have known something was up
02:56but how he ended up in jacksville this is what i love nfl owners and teams no matter what they do
03:02and how to how poor they've run it and correct me if i'm wrong i think over a certain amount of what
03:06years jack still has the least amount of wins 15 20 years in the nfl at least under shod khan since
03:10he took over ownership of the jaguars here where now you're saying to yourself you know what we're
03:15so rudderless here i think you're a good coach you didn't want my gm how about i pick up the phone
03:19and call you like hey look man what do you say i fire the gm you get the keys to everything we do
03:24you can pick the gm and i'm gonna give you a blank check as if you're the most sought after coach
03:28we've ever seen in nfl history like it makes me laugh like bill belichick is scrounging around
03:33chapel hill north carolina when he's seeing guys like liam coleman coke cones can come in and just
03:38change the entire franchise and get more money than belichick made as a head coach here it's
03:42wild to see a play out but let's understand this the chance to be a head coach is key in the nfl
03:47typically only a few spots open up the talent pool is so watered down this year from a few guys up
03:52top that lien cohen his agent absolutely played this perfectly so now he's a high paid head coach
03:58on a team with a lot of talent in a division that he can win right away this seems like a grand slam
04:04for him he fell right into this and his agent and he played this perfectly to get that jaguars job
