• 2 months ago
As many First Nations advocates and allies prepare to protest against Australia Day this weekend, they're focused on the withdrawal of Indigenous rights here and overseas. Activists will use rallies to platform their concerns, including the winding back of treaty and truth-telling processes


00:00Invasion Day activists are often painted with a broad brush, but while reasons for protesting
00:10Australia Day can be diverse, there's a unified message across the board.
00:15We're still here and we demand for a better future and justice for our people.
00:23Protesting black deaths in custody, rising sea levels, mining, high levels of child removals
00:29and what they see as a concerning global trend.
00:32This has happened worldwide for First Nations people.
00:36Maori academic Jo Camira will use her guest speaker slot at Sydney's Invasion Day protest
00:41to highlight what she calls an international theme of the withdrawal of Indigenous rights.
00:48Academics say the last year has seen an upsurge in policies that are denying Indigenous rights
00:53and silencing truth-telling.
00:55The adult crime, adult time legislation that's been introduced into Queensland, those changes
01:01will overwhelmingly affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.
01:06The Queensland government told the ABC Queenslanders voted for the plan the government took to
01:11the election and it's focusing on Indigenous home ownership, health and education.
01:17Discussions high on the agenda at rallies across the country this Sunday.
