• 2 months ago
टीवी एक्ट्रेस करिश्मा तन्ना को उनके घर के बाहर पैपराजी ने अपने कैमरों में कैद किया। इस मौके पर एक्ट्रेस का बैल के प्रति स्वीट जेस्टचर देखने को मिला।


00:30I don't know what to give him.
00:32What do you want to give him?
00:34His name is Gokul.
00:36I know that.
00:38But what do you want to give him?
00:40I want to give him bread and jaggery.
00:42Should I give him?
00:44Yes, give him.
00:46Jaggery and what?
00:50I would like to give a bunch of him laxatives.
00:52A lot of them.
01:01What do you want to give him?
01:03Catch him, catch him.
01:06What do you want to give him?
01:10I want to be along with him
01:12Catch him.
