• 2 months ago
In Venezuela, January 23rd marks the 67th anniversary of the fall of the dictatorship of general Marcos Pérez Jiménez, after the people's uprising that sought to restore freedom and democracy.


00:00Venezuela, January 23rd, marks the 67th anniversary of the fall of the dictatorship of General
00:06Marcos Pérez Jiménez after the people's uprising that sought to restore freedom and democracy.
00:19Marcos Pérez Jiménez governed Venezuela from 1952 to 1958,
00:24establishing an authoritarian regime characterized by censorship,
00:27persecution and human rights violations, while popular discontent rose due to the
00:32lack of liberties and repression. Various sectors of society, such as students and workers,
00:39extended the protests until January 23rd, 1958, when they united in a civic-military movement
00:45that saw the overthrow of Pérez Jiménez's government. After the fall of the military
00:51dictatorship, a democratic process began as a symbol of hope and the struggle for freedom.
00:57A transitional government junta is installed, made up of political parties such as Acción
01:04Democrática, COPEY and URD, which later betrayed the Venezuelan people after signing the so-called
01:09Punto Fijo pact. After the pact, these parties perpetuated themselves in power for more than
01:16four decades through a pseudo-democracy and the alternation in office, resulting in the
01:21surrender of resources, political persecution and extreme poverty.
