• 2 months ago
Footage from Cambs Police


00:00Police officers, show yourselves! Show yourselves! Show your hands, show your hands. Hello. Hello
00:08mate, keep your hands to yourself. Stay in there. Hello mate. Bud, you're going to be
00:13detained, alright? At this moment in time, mate, you're going to be detained for a warrant
00:25that's been executed at this address. Alright, do you understand? Yeah. Okay. I can see you
00:29smell cannabis in here, mate. Have you been smoking cannabis or anything? No. Are you
00:33sure? Because it smells quite pungent at the moment, so it smells quite fresh. Have you
00:38got cannabis on you? No, no. Is there any cannabis in this area? Because it stinks.
00:43In the bedroom, this one. In the bedroom? Yeah. Okay, fine. Alright, this is part of
00:47the warrant, mate, alright? So this is the Section 8 warrant that's been issued by the
00:50Magistrates' Court in order to execute the warrant here, okay? Man, anything from the
00:56What are we going to find in here? If you make it easy for yourself, what are we going
01:00to find in here? Right-hand cabinet of the bed. Okay. What is it? What's going to be
01:06in there? A bit of sniff and some weed. Okay. Have a seat there. Don't be hard on him. No,
01:11that's fine. No, we're not. Okay, no worries. Alright, mate, at the moment, I'm going to
01:15arrest you, okay? So it's 14.30. I'm going to arrest you on suspicion of possession with
01:21intent to supply Class A drugs and Class B drugs, alright? So you don't have to say anything,
01:24but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you
01:26later on in court, anything you do say may be given as evidence, alright?
