• 2 months ago
শীতের মরসুমে জঙ্গলপ্রেমীদের জন্য সুখবর ৷ রাজ্যের অভয়ারণ্য ও জাতীয় উদ্যানগুলিতে ঢুকতে টিকিট লাগবে না ৷ কবে থেকে চালু হচ্ছে এই নিয়ম ?


00:00It was a big issue and it was not easy to reach out to people with so much money.
00:29But he was able to solve this issue.
00:33Will it be easy to reach out to people?
00:34Yes, definitely.
00:36Like Alipur, Dwars, the mountains are one kind of beauty and the places are another kind of beauty.
00:41We have to keep that beauty in mind and at the same time, we have to give people easy access.
00:47This is what Hon. Chief Minister Chahan wants.
00:50We have to keep this beauty in mind and at the same time, we have to give people easy access.
00:54We have to keep this beauty in mind and at the same time, we have to give people easy access.
01:02This is what Hon. Chief Minister Chahan wants.
01:07We are very happy with the information he gave us yesterday.
