The much-awaited trailer of Vicky Kaushal’s Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj biopic, titled Chhaava, was released on Wednesday, January 22. The trailer for the Laxman Utekar directorial was unveiled at a grand event in Mumbai. Fans were left in awe of Vicky’s fierce portrayal of the Maratha king in the trailer. Rashmika’s look also garnered significant attention in the film. The actress who plays Maharani Yesubai arrived at the event despite suffering a leg injury. Displaying remarkable resilience, Rashmika chose not to use a wheelchair. In a video going viral online, she was seen hopping on one leg, demonstrating her commitment to the job, with her co-star Vicky Kaushal being the best support system, helping her walk as she made her way to the stage.