• 2 months ago
शिर्डी साईबाबा मंदिराच्या सुरक्षा पथकात आता सिंबा नावाच्या नव्या श्वानाची एन्ट्री झालीय. सिंबा लवकरच साई मंदिराच्या सुरक्षेसाठी तैनात होणार आहे.


00:00This temple is a national monument.
00:04Many people from India and other parts of the world visit this place.
00:08The government has set up a special bomb search and destruction team here.
00:21There are currently two swans on the search team.
00:25We have been searching for swans for a long time.
00:37We have also been searching for VIP swans.
00:46What was the name of the swan you were searching for?
00:52We were searching for a swan named Vardhan.
00:55He served in the police force for 10 years and 6 months.
00:59He has now become a swan.
01:01We are proud of him.
01:04We have also found a 3 month old swan.
01:09His name is Simba.
01:18How old is this swan?
01:21He is 3 months old.
01:23After 3 months of basic training, he will be sent back to Pune.
01:27He will complete 6 months of training.
