#doctorthorne #thesuspicionsofmrwhicher #ourmutualfriend @bethfreed25
Obadiah Slope continues to manipulate those around him. Having overstepped the mark and offered the position of hospital Warden to Rev. Quiverful, he gets Bishop Proudie to agree that should Quiverful opt to withdraw his acceptance, they would be in a position to offer it once again to Septimus Harding. Slope manipulates the kindly Quiverful into withdrawing his acceptance but doesn't quite count on Mrs. Quiverful who goes straight to Mrs. Proudie to complain. When the Bishop's wife learns that Slope used her name in his dealings with Quiverful, he makes an enemy that no man would dare want. Slope has also continued his visits to Signora Madeline Neroni, with whom he is clearly smitten. Meanwhile, Septimus Harding and his daughter Eleanor visit his son-in-law Archdeacon Grantly and elder daughter Susan. Mr. Grantly is still preparing to go to war with Slope and objects when Eleanor receives a letter from him. Starring: Donald Pleasence, Nigel Hawthorne, David Gwillim, John Ringham, Joseph O'Conor, Alan Rickman, Clifford Parrish, Angela Pleasence, Geraldine McEwan, Janet Maw, Susan Hampshire, Barbara Flynn.
Obadiah Slope continues to manipulate those around him. Having overstepped the mark and offered the position of hospital Warden to Rev. Quiverful, he gets Bishop Proudie to agree that should Quiverful opt to withdraw his acceptance, they would be in a position to offer it once again to Septimus Harding. Slope manipulates the kindly Quiverful into withdrawing his acceptance but doesn't quite count on Mrs. Quiverful who goes straight to Mrs. Proudie to complain. When the Bishop's wife learns that Slope used her name in his dealings with Quiverful, he makes an enemy that no man would dare want. Slope has also continued his visits to Signora Madeline Neroni, with whom he is clearly smitten. Meanwhile, Septimus Harding and his daughter Eleanor visit his son-in-law Archdeacon Grantly and elder daughter Susan. Mr. Grantly is still preparing to go to war with Slope and objects when Eleanor receives a letter from him. Starring: Donald Pleasence, Nigel Hawthorne, David Gwillim, John Ringham, Joseph O'Conor, Alan Rickman, Clifford Parrish, Angela Pleasence, Geraldine McEwan, Janet Maw, Susan Hampshire, Barbara Flynn.
Short film