• 2 months ago
2100 रुपयांचा हप्ता लाडक्या बहिणींच्या खात्यात जमा झालेला नाही, तर दुसरीकडे या महिन्याचा हप्ता 26 तारखेनंतर येण्यास सुरुवात होणार आहे, याबाबत अदिती तटकरेंनी माहिती दिलीय.


00:00Through various media outlets and newspapers,
00:05we have been able to understand the significance of the project.
00:13To date, we have not been able to take any benefit from the project.
00:24We want to make this clear.
00:27We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
00:33They are asking us to voluntarily take part in the project.
00:40They are asking us to stop taking part in the project.
00:54We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
01:04We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
01:14We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
01:24We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
01:34We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
01:44We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
01:54We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
02:04We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
02:14We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
02:24We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
02:34We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
02:44We are getting applications from various districts and local governments.
02:54We have not been able to take any benefit from the project.
03:04We have not been able to take any benefit from the project.
03:14We have not been able to take any benefit from the project.
03:24We have not been able to take any benefit from the project.
