• 2 months ago
Since the Texans couldn't make it, Payne and Pendergast want to know who you're rooting for in the AFC Championship game, Chiefs or Bills?
00:00You asked me to put up a poll yesterday. Who are you rooting for in the AFC title game?
00:04Very simple. I just said Penderpole. Simple one. Who are you rooting for in the AFC title game?
00:08You've not looked at this yet, I'm assuming. You like to guess these things. It's a little
00:11game show that Seth and I play where he guesses the results of the polls that I put up here on
00:16social. It's how I try to play off my unwillingness to show prep as something that's
00:21actually deliberate. Either way, it works. What percentage, what do you think the breakdown is
00:29on this? There are 1,380 votes. There's still three hours left if you'd like to get out and
00:34vote and weigh in. What do you think the breakdown is? Rooting for Bills versus rooting for Chiefs
00:41in this? I'm guessing. I think I saw a couple of national polls where it was pretty lopsided,
00:45as you would expect. I think that there's always a 3% troll margin of people that are just going
00:52to try to be opposite of what everybody else does. Then you're going to have a few people
00:56here and there for whatever reason. I guessed initially 95%. I'm going to say 96% Bills.
01:06That's... Okay, so you're upping it by 1%. Give this man a ding right now, Ben. Give him a ding.
01:1394.4%. Wow. You were spot on, man.
01:19People hate the Chiefs and it's more... Listen, this is where Chiefs fans in their just
01:25hypersensitivity these days. Because they delusionally live in some world where they
01:29think like, oh, once you have success, people will roundly and unanimously appreciate your success.
01:36That's not how the human brain works. I think the accusations of favoritism by the NFL and
01:47everything are more an offshoot of their success than anything else. It's not like people hate
01:51them because they think they cheat. They think they cheat because they hate them.
01:57That's just... It is what it is. Nobody's going to... You've won three championships
02:01and you're on your way to a three-peat. Nobody wants to see that outside of Kansas City.
02:04Yeah, I'd love it if there was a way on this Twitter poll for people actually have to
02:08cite a reason why they voted the way they voted. Because I think it would be... I think that's...
02:11I think what you're bringing up, the officiating favoritism, perceived or actual, whatever it may
02:18be, I think that's a big reason. I'll be honest with you. They were having this debate on the
02:22show before ours on Infinity Sports Network about why are people so against the Chiefs.
02:30I just... I've thought this since he came into the NFL. I just don't like Patrick Mahomes. I
02:34think he's corny. I think Patrick Mahomes is corny. And I don't think he's a bad person.
02:38I don't think he's... I don't like some of the ways he takes advantage of the rules,
02:43but that's a separate thing. He just rubs me the wrong way. And I know he's in all those
02:49commercials. There's a lot of people that like him. He's like Ross from Friends for me.
02:55Just rubs me the wrong way. I just don't like his vibe. And I haven't liked it since I heard
03:00his voice for the first time, if I'm being honest. I'm like, this guy seems corny to me.
03:04And I just don't need him on my screen every single round of the playoffs every year.
03:09It bothers me that that Netflix special, Quarterback, where they followed him around
03:14for the season, didn't bother more people. Because I honestly was kind of shocked at
03:21how self-focused he was. He's very off-putting in that. You're right.
03:24I mean, it was really about like, oh, hey, receiver makes a great catch,
03:28and he's running down the field going, that's what I do. I'm him. That's what I do. I am him.
03:34He's talking to his buddies after that one game where he had a rough start to it,
03:38and he's saying like, I'm like, wow, I couldn't believe I was doing it because I'm so good.
03:42I'm better than that. Bro, settle the hell down, all right? Yeah. You've gotten your accolades,
03:48man. He's way more of a self-promoter and a selfish person than people give him blame for.
03:56I forgot about that.
03:57That bothers me.
03:58I feel vindicated. I had forgotten how unlikable he was in Quarterback.
04:02Incredibly unlikable.
04:03Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, good.
04:05And he's also, he's dramatic. Like, okay, I get, Chiefs fans get sensitive about the fact that
04:11people think he's faking an injury. I don't think he's faking his ankle injury.
04:14I think he's just making it way too obvious that he's got an ankle injury.
04:19Like, dude, how about a little bit of stoicism? You're on the side like, oh, yeah, oh,
04:28how could I ever go on? No, coach, put me in. And you know, Andy Reid is just playing along.
04:33Andy Reid's like, no, we can't keep, no, you're too banged up. I care about you, Pat Mahomes.
04:40I will not put you back in because you're obviously in so much pain.
04:44No, coach, I gotta be in there. It's gotta be me.
04:49Hey, fumble a rooskidoo. Okay.
04:51Go ahead, you brave little soldier. Get on out there.
04:55So many guys out there on the, it's an insult to all the guys who are out
04:57there playing through injuries.
04:58Actual hurt.
04:59Who try like hell not to show that they're injured.
05:03See, I feel like you're allowed to have that take as a former player. Like if I had that take,
05:06people are like, you get out there and play.
05:08You know, man, I played, I played, I dislocated my shoulder in the second quarter of a game once
05:12and finished the game ashamed of myself for not playing better. And that's not, that doesn't
05:17make me special. That's what a lot of players do. They do crap like that and they don't make
05:22a big deal out of it.
05:22Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Let's see. Good morning, Sean. Sorry, but I voted for the chiefs in the
05:27poll one. I always support Hugh QBs who played, Oh, this is Ocho texting who played Texas high
05:32school football. And two, I want to witness. Okay. I want to Ocho wants to witness two
05:38African-American QBs in the Superbowl. Um, so yeah, that's, uh, Ocho will stand on high school
05:44football all day, every day, uh, when it comes to the quarterbacks. So that's, uh, that's Ocho
05:50weighing in on the, on the poll. So you were one of the 4.6% or 5.6%.
05:56Listen, uh, you know how much I love to dive into racial and political topics early in the day.
06:01I do feel that, you know, it's not, it's not 19. Let's even say it's not 2015. I feel like
06:10now it's gotten to the point where, I mean, I, I don't know how many people even over there,
06:15like beyond it's, it's hard to find anybody that's even trying to make an argument against
06:20black quarterbacks, even in private conversation anymore. Uh, I would guess just like, I spent a
06:26lot of time in bars around at, oops, uh, jerks that, uh, like even the dumb jerk bar arguments,
06:33like the drunken idiot arguments. I don't, I don't think there's a lot of people out there,
06:38even speaking in code language about how you can't have a black quarterback or anything,
06:42because so many of the best quarterbacks in the league are black. Now it's the same way.
06:47Hey, yeah. Back in the 1950s, you had people in Alabama saying like, I'd never have a black
06:53fella be my running back. You know, like, okay. And it got to the point where, you know, there's
06:58nobody in it. There's nobody that's an actual NFL fan. That's going to not want a black running
07:01back. Obviously. Uh, I feel like, I feel like we're there with black quarterbacks. Maybe I'm
07:06wrong. Maybe I'm a little too naive. Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't know. I just got thinking. I'm like,
07:10I'm thinking about who's left and I'm like, man, if Mark Andrews catches that ball,
07:13you know, Joe's got his, his wish clinched, you know, it's Lamar Jackson.
07:18Possibly. I know it would have tied the game, but whatever. Um, yeah, I'm with you on that one,
07:21Seth, but, uh, now I will now my very racist opinion is like, dude, you can't be a white
07:26tight end or receiver and drop that ball. What the hell are you doing? I mean, come on. What do
07:32you, what do you even, what are you doing here, man? Yeah. You're killing all my white tight end
07:37bar debates. Next. You're going to tell me he refused to play special teams or something.
07:42Get your, grab your lunch pail and get the hell out there and make that catch. That's right.
07:47You cracker ass cracker. We're off and running.
