• 2 months ago
Love and War Episode 5

#MIATV #2024 #SHORTDRAMA #TRENDDRAMAMOVIE #FULL #FULLMOVIE #TRENDINGMOVIE #miniseries #drama #divorce #romance #revenge
00:00You are now watching Now That's TV.
00:10Oh, she's back.
00:11Nice to see you, Jocelyn.
00:13I know I don't like you either.
00:14I'm glad you're okay, though.
00:15I heard about what happened.
00:16Yeah, I'm glad you got makeup over that eye.
00:17You mean a lot of me, though.
00:18I know.
00:19I know.
00:20But I choose to stay in my natural look.
00:21You're not natural.
00:22What time is it?
00:23What time is it?
00:24What time is it?
00:25What time is it?
00:26What time is it?
00:27What time is it?
00:28What time is it?
00:29What type of relationship do ya'll have?
00:33It's like ya'll can fight each other, but nobody can't.
00:37Same time as ya'll.
00:38Y'all can't get together.
00:40Look, I'm telling you now, if you run up on me, I'ma rip off your left side of your
00:46Go to their circle location.
00:59She gonna try to do you like she did me.
01:01Yeah, she gonna split my shit.
01:02She said, you're gonna be gagged.
01:04She not gonna do that, because as soon as she see that,
01:05she's gonna get it split.
01:07Oh, my mama, come and see her.
01:09And I'm telling you, I got a weapon in my ass.
01:11So I'm not gonna play with you.
01:13I got something in my ass, I'm gonna stick me a bitch.
01:15I'm not playing.
01:16I'm not playing, though.
01:18That bitch gonna run up, watch, she don't have a rude awakening
01:19today. That's why I'm, that's why I just keep laughing.
01:20Oh, no, she got a rude awakening today.
01:22That's why I just keep laughing.
01:23I just keep laughing.
01:24But I got to get close to her, though.
01:25I can't.
01:26Stay to her.
01:27Bro, I'm gonna fuck her up.
01:30The first opportunity I get, she's getting gagged.
01:32And I'm not playing.
01:33They're gonna send me home.
01:35Yeah, split that bitch.
01:36They're gonna send me home.
01:37I'm telling y'all that right now.
01:38I'm going home, probably to jail.
01:40Making a death wire.
01:41I'm not lying.
01:42No shade.
01:43Making a death wire.
01:44But I'm gonna make you, yeah.
01:48That's why I'm so quiet.
01:49I'm so quiet.
01:49Do it like me.
01:50Do it like me.
01:51Do it like me.
01:52You get drunk.
01:54And you black out, then you start going cake people.
01:56All types of shit.
01:57You guys just start doing shit like that.
01:59I was blacked out yesterday, no shade.
02:00You was drunk as fuck, Tyler.
02:01I was tripping.
02:02Fuck y'all mean?
02:03The bitch ran over me like a fucking football player.
02:05If y'all would have seen it, y'all would have
02:07been just as mad as me, nigga.
02:08I was hot.
02:09I wanted everybody on my fucking face.
02:11Where is Matt?
02:12The fuck is y'all talking about?
02:13Everybody needed to move.
02:14Like I said, fuck, they let that bitch
02:15clean across the room and get me.
02:18How long you guys been together?
02:19Oh, 10 years.
02:2010 years?
02:21Yeah, we've been together for 10 years.
02:23Y'all don't even look.
02:24How old are y'all?
02:25I'm 22.
02:26He's 23.
02:27We met when we were kids.
02:28So y'all started working at 12?
02:29No, but we were like, we liked each other.
02:32And we like became boyfriend and girlfriend.
02:34And obviously, that came down the line when we
02:37were old enough to do that.
02:47Because I'm like, y'all are crazy.
02:49No, I respect myself, and obviously, he respects me.
02:50I say you don't, but I was just like, damn,
02:52that's kind of 10 years.
02:53You know, you have crushes in school.
02:55That was my crush.
02:56So you met in the, what, seventh, eighth grade?
02:59Same school?
03:01Same neighborhood?
03:02And y'all just been thick as thieves since?
03:04OK, all right.
03:05So we had a one-on-one with Tasha K.
03:09And I think it went pretty well.
03:12Name three things, Crystal, that you
03:15would like to see B.B. change while being in the house.
03:21Number one, to listen a little bit more.
03:27Number two, to lay off a little bit on the liquor.
03:33Number three, to be, I want to, like, he's very,
03:39like, he has social anxiety.
03:40So I want to see him be more going.
03:43Could it be his personality?
03:44Yeah, it is.
03:45No, no, no.
03:46It's not.
03:46I'm very, I just got to guard up sometimes.
03:49You know what I'm saying?
03:50I'm very social, but, like, you know what I'm saying?
03:54Like, I'm cool.
03:55So how do you feel about her saying that you drink too much?
03:58Well, I don't feel like I drink too much.
04:01You don't think you drink a lot?
04:02It seems like the way she's saying
04:04is, like, I'm an alcoholic.
04:05I'm not, like.
04:07How many drinks a day does B.B. have?
04:10No, it's just he's lightweight.
04:11That's the thing.
04:12I don't know how many drinks, it's, like, he's a little bit
04:14lightweight, and he does drink.
04:16So what's lightweight?
04:17How lightweight was I?
04:18Like, he drinks, like, a tall can of two,
04:20and it's, like, he's already.
04:22Two beers?
04:23No, I'm not an alcoholic, man.
04:25Come on, man.
04:28You're laughing.
04:29No, I'm just, it's because it's funny.
04:32But these are serious concerns.
04:34I do drink, but, like, it's not like I'm.
04:36What you drinking now?
04:39It's so Hennessy.
04:43Why the fuck you do this to me?
04:45I'm a motherfucking alcoholic, man.
04:47She got water, you got.
04:48I guess.
04:50I guess.
04:51How many drinks have you had today?
04:53A few.
04:55I had a few drinks.
04:56It's, like, 3 o'clock right now, 4?
05:00And so what about his, what about B.B.'s mood changes
05:02that, like, concerns you?
05:03Like, I know you said moody, but, like,
05:06how moody are you talking?
05:07Oh, no, he just be, like, when he's drunk,
05:10he just be, like, catching a little bit of attitude.
05:15And, you know, just a little bit of attitude.
05:17Nothing too serious.
05:18No, no, no, just, like, attitude.
05:21Like, oh, I want to be left alone.
05:22I want to chill by myself.
05:24You know, he just be wanting to be in his own world.
05:26That hurts you?
05:28It does hurt my feelings a little bit.
05:30Like, you know, just a little bit.
05:32It's nothing, like, serious, but.
05:34That is very serious.
05:35I'm not, and here's the thing.
05:37I'm not here to, because you're getting irritated.
05:40Like, she's never told me that, you know what I'm saying?
05:43So I never knew she felt that way.
05:45Have you ever, you've never told him?
05:46Not really, because it's not, like, nothing, like,
05:49like, it's nothing, like, bad, bad,
05:52but it does, like, sometimes get a little bit, yeah.
05:56What are three things that you would
05:58like to see Crystal change?
06:00For her to stay off the phone all the time.
06:02You know what I'm saying?
06:03What do you mean on the phone?
06:04Talking to people also?
06:05No, it's just.
06:05Like, TikTok and stuff?
06:06And she be getting that attitude, too.
06:07So I don't understand.
06:08I do, I do.
06:09OK, what else would you like to see her change?
06:12To understand that I need to be making money.
06:14You know what I'm saying?
06:16What you mean?
06:17Like, I make money so we can eat, you know what I mean?
06:21And she is like, oh, like, to me.
06:25Like, let's go on a date or something.
06:26I understand that, you know what I'm saying?
06:28OK, like, have a date for us, basically.
06:32And I try my hardest to do that, you know what I'm saying?
06:34I give her everything she wants, you know what I mean?
06:37But she's right, maybe I do need to get with her,
06:39a little more time.
06:40I'm always out making money, you know?
06:41Like, it's just, I don't know.
06:44What do you do for a living?
06:45I make money.
06:49So you feel like you guys need a little bit more
06:52personal time, like?
06:55I feel like this show is the most personal time we've got.
06:57Oh, wow.
07:00All this time.
07:01You see?
07:02I'm being honest.
07:04I mean, that's what we're here for, you know?
07:07Because you guys, people tend to get
07:08comfortable in relationships.
07:10I've been married almost 20 years, you know?
07:12We got two kids together.
07:14You're right.
07:15You know, you can't just be, it can't
07:17be like Groundhog's Day every day, right?
07:20And you guys both have to try.
07:22I'll give an example.
07:23My husband and I, when we first met, and we still do it now,
07:26Mondays is our day.
07:28No matter what we're doing, we go out every Monday.
07:31I like that.
07:32You know?
07:33Yeah, I like that.
07:34So you have to, as couples, because life's life.
07:37Because I'm a college kid, and of course,
07:39you got to make money, so.
07:40So you're going to school?
07:41What are you going to school for?
07:42I'm going to be an FBI agent.
07:44Oh, well, damn.
07:46And you make money.
07:48We're just going to see how that work out, OK?
07:50She's going to get me out of here.
07:51She's going to get me out of trouble.
07:53We ain't going to look.
07:55I think I really like the advice she gave,
07:57that her and her husband have one-on-ones on Mondays.
08:00They literally have one day full for them every week.
08:04And I really think that's a great idea.
08:05And I think we should start doing that as well.
08:07Keep your head on a swivel, BB.
08:10OK, because what she's telling you
08:12is what women tell men all the time.
08:14And then when you don't listen, it's
08:16not like we go out seeking it.
08:19But if she finds herself in a conversation with a man,
08:22and he's feeding that need, it's like when you're hungry.
08:25Well, if somebody tries it, and it helps,
08:28then it's going to be a problem.
08:29That's it.
08:30When is marriage going to come?
08:35How soon?
08:37I'm trying to get it straight first, like I said.
08:40And then soon, soon, soon, soon.
08:45You trust him?
08:48I mean, he's been here with me.
08:49Do you trust him?
08:51I do.
08:52It's like we've always had each other all our life, literally.
08:55Like, we was homeless together.
08:56Like, we came up together, you know what I'm saying?
08:59So like, it's hard to break that, you know what I mean?
09:06Thank y'all.
09:08I hope that you get a lot out of this experience being here,
09:12And just try.
09:13Tonight, I'm not going to drink.
09:14It's just going to be me and you.
09:16And vice versa, OK?
09:18Come on.
09:22Nice to meet you.
09:22No problem.
09:24Crystal opened up to things that I didn't even know about.
09:26And I'm glad that I got to hear that.
09:28You know what I mean?
09:29I'm just going to let that go.
09:30It's just going to be me and you.
09:32What's your tea?
09:33Yo, this was your tea?
09:35You was expecting me to want to have some of it, right?
09:39Hey, so hold on.
09:40Let me tell you something.
09:41I don't know, you and Z-Sky, you don't even
09:42go with Z-Sky for real.
09:44You don't like her.
09:45Me and Z-Sky isn't together.
09:46Do you like her?
09:47Yeah, we like her.
09:48OK, so why she have to eat up our food?
09:50And how is this bad for you?
09:52What's that got to do with it?
09:53I don't know.
09:54Who's next for her?
09:54I don't know.
09:55What's that got to do with it?
09:56I don't know.
09:57Who's next for her?
09:58Because that's how me and her.
09:59Who's next for her?
10:01I'm just saying.
10:02I don't know.
10:02I'm trying to figure it out.
10:04Joyce involved herself and said whatever she said.
10:08And that caused Z-Sky to say something bad to her.
10:12And that fell over into the next morning.
10:14I'm confused.
10:15Hold on, hold on, bro.
10:16I'm confused because why Miss, why Miss, why Miss
10:19Rose had to buy anything?
10:20It's not even me.
10:21Like, I'm confused.
10:22You know what I'm saying?
10:23It was me.
10:24It was, you know, me.
10:25You're a fool.
10:25So like, it's just like, what I didn't have.
10:29But why she's trying to come out about me?
10:30Y'all both gotta have a common respect for each other
10:32because Cassie's my brother and you're Cassie's date.
10:35And that's my friend.
10:37And we're all here together.
10:39You know what I'm saying?
10:40OK, but she shouldn't just be starting.
10:42Like, no, she came out the room talking about all this.
10:44I mean, yeah, somebody wants you.
10:45She said somebody wants you.
10:47So I'm like, so who want me then?
10:48The messiest in the house is definitely D-Sky, 110%.
10:53He can't stop himself from being messy if he tried.
10:57He's the messiest in the house.
10:59Out of respect for my lover, I apologized to Joyce.
11:01But me apologizing wasn't enough.
11:03And Joyce proceeded to tell me, tell security to get
11:06this little bitch out of my room.
11:07So I felt like, you know, well, I apologize.
11:10So what more do you want from me?
11:12So me, I threw my drink in her face
11:13and told her to shut the fuck up.
11:14Shut the fuck up.
11:15Shut the fuck up.
11:16Shut the fuck up.
11:17Let me in.
11:19What happened?
11:28And I need a refill.
11:29Thank you, baby.
11:30Wait, let me in.
11:31Bitch, how you calling me a little bitch?
11:33Bitch, you got me fucked up.
11:34And it feel good out here.
11:35You're making my brother shitless.
11:36You go to a club.
11:37And I don't agree with shit like that.
11:39Why you making him apologize?
11:40Because he's wrong?
11:41He had no business going out, walking out.
11:43She tried to bite him.
11:43She called him out.
11:44He walked out the random out of his room
11:46and just said, hey, bitch, somebody looking for you,
11:48Why would you just say that?
11:49Because we was not taking shots.
11:51That was never the case.
11:51I did not say that.
11:52I said they said that they were going to whoop your ass.
11:55But you did.
11:56And Jazz did say she was going to whoop her ass.
11:57I ain't going to whoop her ass.
11:59I know that's your friend.
12:00I'm like, it was related.
12:01That's your friend?
12:01I know that's your friend.
12:03Oh, she get it fucked up.
12:05That's your friend?
12:06No, Jazz, no shame.
12:07She get it fucked up.
12:07No shame.
12:08My girl, Jazz, said that she was going to whoop her ass.
12:10So I just relayed the message.
12:12You see anything wrong with that?
12:14I'm a messenger.
12:15Don't shoot the messenger.
12:16He's so messy.
12:17Becca, don't even do that.
12:18You heard her calling me a little bitch and all that.
12:20No, when you walked out the door.
12:22He said, come get this little bitch out of my room.
12:24I wasn't there.
12:25You bitch.
12:25You walked out the door.
12:26You walked out the room and talking about some hey-ho.
12:28They looking for you.
12:29I did not say that.
12:30I did not say that.
12:31I said the people around here are saying
12:33they're going to beat your ass.
12:34OK, you didn't have to say that, though.
12:35So watch your back.
12:36She said, bitch, I heard you wanted it with me.
12:37And she didn't have to say that.
12:39So that's why she got the drink thrown at her.
12:41Oh, he, whatever.
12:42Did you get her good?
12:43Well, let me know.
12:44Well, this is what I'm going to tell you.
12:45On camera, while you're hearing this right now.
12:47So you know you're doing that.
12:48And you know where her plus one is, right?
12:50And you know where her plus one is, too.
12:52So when he come say something to you, and I'll call you.
12:55Do not be looking side to side.
12:57And I'll be calling you.
12:58No, I'm not.
12:58You're going to be there.
13:00So you're not going to have his back?
13:01No, you're not going to have his back.
13:02Is that what you're saying right now?
13:04Oh, but why are you telling me that?
13:05No, that's my brother.
13:06Bro, shut up.
13:07Don't do that.
13:08Don't do that.
13:09No, don't do that.
13:10It's your brother.
13:11He had to control his bitch.
13:13Because I don't know.
13:14Y'all better figure that out.
13:15OK, so I'll say what I'm saying.
13:16Guess what?
13:17If he stop moving, you're going to move.
13:19OK, so you're going to apologize.
13:20OK, and I will. It's cool.
13:22OK, just that simple.
13:23You better watch him out.
13:24What's he going to apologize to that bitch for?
13:26He's going to apologize, and it's just that simple.
13:28In the case, we changing the subject.
13:30So I'm outside on the patio.
13:31Cashew walks up and asks me to apologize.
13:34No, no, please.
13:35No, no, no.
13:36You're not doing nothing?
13:37He told me you're not doing nothing.
13:38He wasn't doing nothing.
13:39OK, we can't do it.
13:40He's not doing anything.
13:42He's not doing anything.
13:44Because she was popping him, Cashew.
13:45OK, but I think you're going to have to throw
13:47no blame on him.
13:48He's going to apologize.
13:49And like I said, and I apologized to her
13:52when I first got in there.
13:54So you don't think I should throw a drink back on you?
13:55No, I'm not.
13:56Yes, you are.
13:57I'm not going to do that.
13:58It's over.
13:59It's over.
14:00Get up.
14:01I can't get up.
14:05He splashed his drink, and I threw mine right back at him.
14:07And for some reason, he hit me.
14:10Y'all dumb as fuck.
14:12Now y'all really stupid as fuck.
14:13Because y'all just sat there, and I told you not to do nothing.
14:16No, we don't do nothing.
14:17Girl, these guys can't get the fuck up, man.
14:19How is that possible?
14:20Like, y'all not that fucking stupid?
14:23Girl, change your clothes.
14:25We're going to pop her off while I'm going home.
14:33The fuck?
14:34That shit is annoying.
14:35I'm gone.
14:36No, listen.
14:39You're up next, so just kill.
14:40Liz just told them to stop letting him do weird shit.
14:42And they just walked this nigga back here,
14:44and let him fire on him while he's sitting down.
14:46Who let who?
14:47Who did what?
14:48Security just walked motherfucking big-ass Patsy
14:49back there, nigga, and just let him fire on D. Scott.
14:52Where is he?
14:56Boy, get the fuck out of my face before I slap you.
15:00Where are you going?
15:01Where Cashew at?
15:02He's in his room right here.
15:03OK, tell him to come on.
15:04D. Scott thought he was Popeye the time
15:06when he chunked the peace, and motherfucking thought
15:09he was getting big and bold.
15:12Come on, let's get out of here.
15:13Come on.
15:15Come on.
15:16Come on.
15:18Joy, sit.
15:19Watch out.
15:24Sit, Joy.
15:27Liz, Liz!
15:35Hey, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good, let me go back up.
15:39Let me back this up, let me back this up.
15:42Let me back this up, let me back this up.
15:46I don't want to get my feet on the ground.
15:48I'm wearing a suit, man, going to brawl.
15:51Shut the door, cut the cameras.
15:54What he did, all he did was messy.
15:56He wouldn't have found a way to step in.
15:59That was so messy, he didn't do a drink on her.
16:01I'm not into that.
16:02Yes, I'm not, you know I'm not into that.
16:04Come on, I'm not doing all that.
16:06OK, I'll let y'all have a conversation later.
16:08Get over your head there.
16:10All righty, you're sweating.
16:12What the hell happened?
16:15A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
16:17Wendy, have a seat.
16:22Is y'all getting catchy?
16:23Can you sit right there?
16:25Yes, right here, you don't want to sit by her?
16:27Can we fix the bed with the pillows a little bit?
16:29You just said the sheets is on the floor.
16:31You fucked with him.
16:32I didn't, and he just showed me his true colors.
16:34So I don't fuck with him.
16:35In 10 minutes?
16:36In 10 minutes.
16:37What happened?
16:38Because you guys were just, the one on one
16:39seems like it looked great.
16:41You guys were on the same page, and y'all were just fighting.
16:45I wasn't fighting, he was fighting.
16:48What happened?
16:50Let me just, let me just throw this out there.
16:51We had a, we had a long talk before.
16:53I mean, we had a talk before we came in, right and wrong.
16:55That he knows my aesthetic, he knows the type of nigga I am.
16:58I'm never going to let nobody do anything to him
17:00or disrespect him.
17:01What he chose to do outside, he walked out of this room,
17:04correct me if I'm wrong, he walked out of this room
17:06and said, I want to be messy.
17:08He walked past that girl and said,
17:09whatever you felt like you needed to say to her
17:11in that moment, which caused.
17:13I don't know what we're talking about.
17:14Didn't y'all just talk?
17:15We talking about Joyce.
17:16Yeah, no, but they're going to apologize to you, Jack.
17:19Let me move on.
17:19Yes, he's cool.
17:20OK, because I really, I was not, that wasn't intentional.
17:23I wasn't trying to hit you.
17:24It was a reflex, no shade, because you had stood up
17:27when you had threw the drink.
17:28So it was like, I didn't know if you was going to hit me or what.
17:30So it was a reflex.
17:31So I didn't really want to hit you.
17:33I never had no intentions on fighting you.
17:35And I didn't even want to get into it with you.
17:36When you had did what you did with Jocelyn, I just wanted to.
17:39Yeah, you did, and I appreciated that you said
17:41that you were going to apologize, but no shade.
17:43I felt like it was only fair that you allowed her to do
17:45the same thing that you did to her.
17:46So you did it, and then you punched me.
17:48So you don't feel like this?
17:51Yes, you are.
17:52I'm not going to do it.
17:53It's over.
17:53It's over.
17:54Get up!
17:55Get up!
17:56I can't get up!
17:58That's it!
17:59I can't get up!
18:00Well, no, I said I was going to do it,
18:01and you beat me to the punch.
18:03And we kind of threw it together.
18:04At the same time.
18:06So when you stood up, when you threw it, it was.
18:07Was I supposed to do it?
18:08No, but you stood up.
18:09So I didn't know if you was going to hit me or what.
18:11I was going to just sit there while you
18:12threw a drink at my face.
18:13You threw one at mine, and I sat there.
18:14OK, but you could have let her do that herself.
18:16What made you feel like you didn't have to.
18:18I mean, you told me you wasn't going to allow her to do it.
18:20I did tell you she could come up.
18:21I apologized to her.
18:23No, when I said you should let her throw a drink on you,
18:26the proposition of her throwing a drink back was crazy.
18:29I don't think that was crazy.
18:30I feel like that was crazy.
18:31I don't think that's crazy.
18:32The apology would have been, and I
18:33didn't know that you was going to come out there and do that.
18:34I told you, y'all could have talked about it,
18:36and yes, you was wrong for what you still went and said
18:39to her and what you did to her.
18:40Still, that was wrong.
18:41All I did was pass the message.
18:42What made you go and say something like that?
18:44I just passed the message.
18:45She snuck a few hours earlier.
18:47But don't be messy with her.
18:49And O'Shea, then she, you was trying to get a hold of her
18:51last night, too.
18:52I wasn't trying to get a hold of her for what?
18:53When I was talking to Maura, you was, you.
18:55Because she was talking shit, calling me out,
18:57because she felt like she was with you.
18:59The moral of the story is this.
19:02Don't, I'm, it's because it's being said like I didn't help,
19:05or I'm not doing anything.
19:06Let's be very clear.
19:07Cashie is my friend of two years.
19:09Let's not throw that out the window.
19:11I'm not getting ready to just jump up and fight
19:13this man on camera.
19:15This is my real life friend.
19:16If I was to get into something today or tomorrow,
19:18and I was down on my ass, I could call him the same way
19:20he could call me, and he would do whatever for me
19:22I need him to do, and vice versa.
19:24I'm not getting ready to get on camera, and that's for nobody.
19:27I'm not going to get on camera and just fight my friend.
19:29So it's just that simple.
19:30How do you feel about him saying that?
19:32What make you think that you could call him,
19:33and he can't call me, and I wouldn't be there?
19:36I didn't, that's not what I'm saying.
19:38That's not what I'm saying.
19:39So what you're telling me is you want him,
19:40you want him to lie to me.
19:41I'm going to show you a prime example.
19:43I'm going to show you, I'm going to show you a prime example.
19:45The same way any of your friends disrespect me,
19:47what do you do?
19:48You try to beat me.
19:49I do.
19:50You don't jump on me, you not get ready to fight me.
19:52I always do.
19:53I would never let none of them disrespect you.
19:55All of them disrespect me.
19:56Like who?
19:58I can name three of your friends that called you and said
19:59that they was going to slap you.
20:00And you because you provoked them.
20:02People never call my phone.
20:03By saying things that you say, that you talked about already.
20:05Nobody is calling my phone saying they're
20:06going to do anything to you.
20:08So that's one.
20:09People call your phone.
20:10So all of those people that call,
20:11have they ever put their hands on you?
20:12It doesn't matter, because I nip it in the bud.
20:14You don't do it.
20:15You don't know what I do.
20:16Who had you stopped?
20:16I don't have to tell you what I do.
20:18I don't have to tell you, but that's how it seems.
20:20You feel like you do that because you want to.
20:22Nope, once again, nobody's feeling comfortable with that.
20:24Before it gets to you, I already nip it in the bud.
20:26Nobody's feeling comfortable enough to call me
20:28and tell me that they're going to do anything to you.
20:30I did not know he was about to come out there and throw the,
20:31that that was the first thing that he was going to do.
20:33You feel like he should have took you back?
20:35I feel like he should have.
20:36I feel like I would have cracked him.
20:37Yeah, I would have done the same.
20:38Fuck him.
20:38I don't even see him hit you.
20:39I don't give a fuck.
20:40I just saw y'all throw a drink on each other.
20:41I'll be with me, your husband.
20:42What your husband doing?
20:42I saw them throw a drink.
20:44I saw them throw a drink on each other.
20:46You ain't trying to get into it.
20:47Yeah, we fine.
20:48Yeah, your husband's getting at it, right?
20:49Oh, OK, then.
20:50And that's what I was saying.
20:51What would make you feel better?
20:52Well, at the same time, I do understand how it's kind of
20:56I'm going to apologize because I genuinely was not.
20:57Yeah, and I accept that, so we can get it.
20:59I feel like we've been cool.
21:00We ain't had no issue.
21:01And I ain't want to have no issue with you.
21:04That's my brother.
21:05OK, so y'all good.
21:07I don't give a fuck what nobody say.
21:08I know the type of nigga I am.
21:09I am not no bitch.
21:11I am not no female.
21:12I am not on this show.
21:13This ain't even the exact kind of show.
21:14They be messing with me, throwing drinks on people
21:16and all of that.
21:17If that's what you're choosing to do,
21:18you're not.
21:19And that's the same reason why y'all got into it,
21:20because you always say slick stuff like that.
21:22I'm going to say what I want.
21:22Right, but not to me.
21:23Don't do that with me.
21:24I'm going to say what I want.
21:25And especially around all of them.
21:26We can have that conversation in private.
21:27Well, here's the thing.
21:28We just had a call.
21:29Hold on, hold on.
21:30We just had a one-on-one.
21:31And you did express that you felt like sometimes he just
21:35says things, and he doesn't, you know, really realize,
21:38like, maybe he's hurting your feelings
21:40or considering how you feel based off of the things
21:43that he's saying.
21:44All right.
21:45He just expressed that.
21:46Is that this moment right now?
21:47Am I saying something to him like?
21:48That's how he basically is.
21:50OK, well, I'm not even doing it.
21:53That's the thing.
21:55Like, because I don't like being put in situations
21:56where I'm being made.
21:58I don't like to be made a mockery of.
22:00I'm not a joke.
22:00I do not carry myself like that.
22:02Before we came on the show, I already let it be known,
22:05do not be playing those little messy games like that.
22:07You did not have to go find that girl.
22:09I didn't go find her.
22:10All I did was pass the message.
22:11Just that simple?
22:12What message were you passing?
22:13They said they was going to get her.
22:15And why does that mean they was going to get her?
22:16Who is they?
22:17Jazz and, you know, the rest of them.
22:18They said they going to get her from what she did last night.
22:19So I passed the message.
22:20I said, hey, look, watch your back,
22:22because they planned on beating your ass.
22:23So you were warning her.
22:24I was warning her.
22:25And she responded, bitch, I heard you wanted it with me.
22:30So I threw my drink in your face,
22:30because I'm not doing that.
22:32You a nigga, bitch, or whatever.
22:33So, you know, we can't fight you.
22:35So it takes my drink.
22:36OK, so can she come in here, too?
22:38Because I feel like y'all should have a conversation.
22:39I'm just coming up here and I'm slapping that bitch.
22:41That bitch, that nigga, whatever.
22:43OK, so I'm going to just go ahead.
22:45I forgive you.
22:46I'm going to remove myself.
22:47I'll put a strain on Maul, but I don't fuck with your bitch.
22:48But I just feel like it should be paid as a whole,
22:50because this is a love show.
22:51We're going to pay it.
22:52We're going to pay it.
22:53Yeah, we're going to leave her alone.
22:54I don't have nothing to say to her.
22:55You're just going to leave her alone?
22:56Yeah, she's going to leave me alone, too.
22:57She's not going to say nothing to you.
22:58When it come to D. Scott, like she pulled that act last night,
23:00yeah, what's up with D. Scott?
23:02I don't have the, when you and Maul get into it,
23:04I don't never get in between.
23:05So you should check your bitch and let
23:06her know she's staying in her lane when y'all get into it.
23:08OK, and I can take that.
23:09And that's all I ask, because I'm coming behind him.
23:10And I'll talk to her about that.
23:11But she's not going to say anything to you.
23:13So just, you ain't got to say nothing to her,
23:15and we can leave it alone.
23:16You can guarantee that?
23:18You can guarantee that?
23:19Yeah, if I tell her not to say nothing else to him,
23:20then she's not going to bother him.
23:23So your problem, your issue lies with your partner.
23:25I mean, it is what it is.
23:27He, you know, let me know where he's staying,
23:29and we're going to leave it at that.
23:30What does that mean?
23:30He said what he said.
23:31You know, this is his first two years.
23:32Sorry, y'all together?
23:33Yeah, we cool.
23:34Like we said, we're friends.
23:35Your pardons?
23:36We're friends.
23:37Like he said, we're very close friends.
23:39Very close friends.
23:40Like he said earlier.
23:41Does this affect the relationship?
23:42Thank you, Karen.
23:44Does this affect the relationship?
23:45I wouldn't say it affects the relationship,
23:47but you know, it lets me know how he thinks.
23:49And I should know how to think when it
23:51comes to situations like this.
23:52OK, so you just didn't like the fact
23:54that you felt like D was being messy.
23:57I know for a fact that he was being messy.
23:59He walked out of this room with me
24:00and said I'm about to go be messy.
24:02You're lying.
24:03That's what you said.
24:03You said, let me go be messy.
24:04I'm tired of this shit.
24:05What are you talking about?
24:07I know I'm like the back of my hand, and that's not.
24:09And you don't like all that fighting and confrontation.
24:11This is my whole game.
24:12When you're here as a duo, when you're here with somebody
24:14else, that's involving me.
24:15And anything that you do, that's a reflection of me,
24:17just like anything I'll do is a reflection of him.
24:20That type of shit, I don't want to be involved with.
24:22I'm not throwing drinks and all of that little kitty,
24:25catty shit.
24:26I don't want to be involved in that.
24:27So, and he understands that.
24:29You know that.
24:30So, and if I tell you that you're wrong for doing it,
24:32it's just that simple.
24:33I'm not about it.
24:34He knows not only that.
24:35She's here with my brother at that.
24:38So what type of, that's, you can't put me in a situation
24:41and think I'm going to pick in between the two.
24:47Jocelyn, I really wanted to have this conversation off camera.
24:50But I guess given our history and what's been going on online
24:53since we, uh, I don't think we officially met, you know,
24:58I'm Tasha.
24:59Nice to meet you, Tasha.
25:00Nice to meet you as well, Jocelyn.
25:04I, there's something I want you to know,
25:06because I know there's a misconception online.
25:08And it has a lot to do with the branding.
25:10And I get it, right?
25:11But I want to tell you that my, my mentor is a trans woman.
25:16OK, real talk.
25:18And I just called him, called her, she calls herself
25:20he, she, we.
25:21But it's flame or rope.
25:23How do you feel about flame?
25:25I don't really get into all of that.
25:28OK, like the politics of it all?
25:29I just believe in he and she.
25:33OK, OK.
25:35Well, I guess her brand is, because it's kind of,
25:40here's the thing with her.
25:42Her kids call her dad, right?
25:44Even though she's been living as a trans woman
25:48pretty much her whole life, you know?
25:51And these are her biological kids.
25:53And so for us, like, we're really, really, like, friends.
25:56Like, we're close.
25:57And I just don't want you to think that, you know,
26:03I have anything against you.
26:05Because I'm going to be honest with you,
26:06during that first season when I watched you on Deja Vu
26:09and they asked me to come on, I felt like people
26:13were ganging up on you.
26:14Like, even though, like, you know, you're great TV, right?
26:18And you're there to bring the drama, right?
26:20This is a show.
26:21Ain't nobody going to want to watch people just sit
26:22around talking and shit.
26:24So you get it popping.
26:25But I did feel like they kind of took it overboard with you.
26:29And I felt like because they felt
26:30that you were an easy target is the reason why everybody just
26:36kind of combated you, right?
26:38And so I wanted to talk to you about a lot of those things.
26:42But we got off on the wrong foot.
26:43Because when I walked in, I personally
26:46don't believe that trans women should fight women.
26:49Because the reality is, I can't beat you.
26:52OK, but so do you believe that women should hit trans women?
26:55No, I do not.
26:56OK, so in that case, what do you expect me to do?
27:02I get it.
27:03And see, I'm here because I'm not a fighter.
27:06I don't pretend to fight, right?
27:08But I'm here to really ask tough questions.
27:10We can kill each other with our words.
27:12We don't have to use hands.
27:15But that's what these bitches don't understand.
27:16I kill them with my words.
27:18OK, so here's the thing.
27:19I want you to know that I truly do not have anything against
27:24I think you're a beautiful trans woman.
27:28I'm a woman first, trans second.
27:29So you don't have to put that label on me.
27:32I'm not wearing trans on my forehead.
27:35You can just be like, you're a beautiful woman.
27:37And that's that.
27:38Well, see, Jocelyn, OK, so here's the thing.
27:41You want me to respect your pronouns
27:43and what you go by, right?
27:45I just don't feel like you have to put trans
27:46in front of everything.
27:47I get it.
27:48So here's where we are.
27:50And I don't want it to be.
27:51I think sometimes with any community or with any group,
27:56right, we all want to be respected as such,
28:00whatever it is that we are.
28:02I do feel that it's not reciprocated a lot.
28:05How not?
28:06Because as a biological woman, for me
28:12to acknowledge you as a full woman,
28:15that's you not respecting my truth and my reality.
28:18What are you saying?
28:19I'm confused.
28:22When have I ever, um, if you, you're
28:24putting trans in front of it, that
28:26doesn't have to do with anything, no shade.
28:27Like, at the end of the day, trans woman, woman,
28:30it's still all in the same category.
28:33It's not.
28:34It is.
28:34Yes, it is.
28:36It's not.
28:39Well, anyway, I just don't wear trans on my forehead.
28:43So when you refer to me, she's pretty.
28:45She's a pretty girl, pretty woman.
28:47You're pretty, because this is what you.
28:48But you don't have to put trans woman on top of that,
28:49because that means you're putting me in a,
28:51you're confining me in this one area.
28:54So you feel that you're a woman.
29:00That's what I said, right?
29:01OK, so I can respect that you feel that way.
29:04But me, as a person, as long as I respect you
29:08and I address you as the pronouns that you are,
29:11I call you her, I say she, I call you by your name, you let.
29:16Yeah, I don't have no, I can respect
29:18with how you, what you're saying and stuff like that.
29:20But that's just not how I walk around labeling myself.
29:23OK, and I can respect that, too.
29:24So, you know, like, as long as, like, I
29:26feel like the, it's the common respect here,
29:29then we shouldn't be getting into it.
29:32However, I'm here to ask tough questions now.
29:35OK, but once you start pulling, like,
29:37once you start hitting below the belt and stuff,
29:39calling me, like, names, that's when we get into it.
29:42When did I call you a name?
29:44You didn't call me a name today, but I feel like the last,
29:47our last, um, interaction.
29:48I didn't call you a name.
29:49I watched the footage.
29:51You was calling, um, you was calling, like,
29:52all the, like, trans girls, like, niggas and stuff.
29:55Here's the thing, as a woman, I am humbly coming to you,
30:00telling you, and I don't feel that women
30:02should be fighting men at all.
30:04Because once you put your hands on someone,
30:06all else goes out the door.
30:08So as a woman, I hold them just as accountable
30:11as I hold the person that they're fighting,
30:14if they're reciprocating.
30:16And I feel, personally, that you, as a trans woman,
30:23and you are identified as a woman,
30:25should only fight people that you are equal to.
30:29I'm sorry, I wasn't raised like that.
30:31I'm not saying that if a bitch hit me,
30:32she's going to get hit back.
30:34And I'm not saying that.
30:35You're not going to make me feel the same way.
30:37Do you honestly like fighting, though?
30:39I don't like fighting, no shade.
30:41I'm not a fighter.
30:42But if a bitch hit me, she's getting hit back.
30:44I'm not sitting here taking it out.
30:45I'm sorry.
30:46And I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't want you to.
30:48I don't know what type of, like, what type of world
30:51y'all live in where y'all think y'all could just
30:52put your hands on people and expect them not to retaliate.
30:56But it's not that over here with me.
30:57But you know I've never put my hands on you, right?
30:59You haven't, and I've never put my hands on you.
31:01No, I haven't.
31:02During the last, during the day.
31:03I don't feel like I tried to hit you, no shade.
31:05You didn't jump out the chair?
31:07That was the other one.
31:10And me, and me and Kenzie have looked at it.
31:11We don't, we don't give bitches free promo.
31:14What, you and Kenzie not on the same page like that?
31:16We don't give bitches free promo.
31:17And you like, um.
31:20This show is a bit different from the other shows
31:23that you filmed.
31:24And we're really trying to get to know you as a person,
31:26because, you know.
31:27But I don't feel that way.
31:29But I'm here to ask, is it OK if I do get to know you,
31:33and I do get a point for jumping in?
31:35I mean, I feel like letting you get to know me is like a mistake,
31:40in a way, because.
31:43I feel like you take shit, and you run with it,
31:44and you flip it into your own ways.
31:46Like, you know.
31:47What will give you that impression?
31:49I don't know.
31:50Like, just the way you rant about things
31:51that you really don't need knowing
31:52nothing about, and stuff like that.
31:54Like, you really will go off not knowing anything unhinged.
31:57And it's very bad.
31:59I don't know if it's the unwind with Hasha Hay,
32:01but you got to slow down on the wind, boo.
32:05Men have dominion over this world.
32:11There's a reason why they are building buildings.
32:13I am not oblivious to my womanhood,
32:16and to the weaknesses that I have,
32:19and why it is that I need a man in my life.
32:23Because there are certain things physically
32:25that women cannot do, and we won't do.
32:28And to say that, you know, when we
32:31have a lot of these feminist movements and stuff,
32:33they're speaking not for me, as a woman who pushes babies out,
32:38and risks her life, and has all types of issues that men
32:43don't go through.
32:44But a lot of women don't push babies out, though.
32:45I get that.
32:46I get that, too.
32:47I get that, too.
32:48But what I'm saying overall is, a man, I.D., is my king.
32:55He is supposed to protect me, even from myself.
32:58Correct, I felt the same way about myself, you know?
33:01So when I fight someone that I know physically
33:04is stronger than me, I expect them to dominate me mentally,
33:09not physically.
33:11And I feel like, even if you are living as a woman,
33:15and you're in a relationship with a man,
33:17that man that you're with should understand,
33:20he doesn't ever have to put his hands on you.
33:22He should be able to dominate you mentally.
33:27And that's what I'm here to do.
33:31Contrary to popular belief, I am here
33:34because I honestly got upset.
33:37And I was damn near in tears when I saw that video of you.
33:40Nobody, I don't care if you're a man, woman, trans,
33:43hermaphrodite, whatever it is, child, nobody,
33:46you having to cover your face up with makeup,
33:48I'm looking at your eye.
33:51But that's not from him, no.
33:53I know you had a couple of situations.
33:57I know that.
33:58I know that with the girls and with him.
34:00And I don't know what's going on between y'all relationship,
34:03but here's the thing.
34:05I'm here to really just figure out,
34:10and the world wants to know.
34:11And that's why you're on this show.
34:14Are you guys in love?
34:15Are you lusting after each other?
34:17And are you loyal to one another?
34:19And that's all I'm here for.
34:20I don't have any desire to call you names or disrespect you
34:24or not understand you.
34:26We can agree to disagree on some things,
34:28but that doesn't mean that we have to get
34:30disrespectful with one another.
34:31And from this moment on, I will respect you.
34:36I've never, ever not respected you.
34:39I just feel like, you know, when people get to talking shit,
34:42we get to talking shit.
34:43But I will never, ever raise my hand to you.
34:45And I never have, and I never will.
34:48And I'm like, I have to be there.
34:50We got into it.
34:51I read you.
34:52That's what I do.
34:54And that's OK.
34:54Read away.
34:55It's great for reading.
34:56So let it out.
34:58I don't like that though, because it's
35:00like, you be nice now, and then when you in crowds,
35:02like, you be trying to, like, replay people.
35:04No, I have to ask questions.
35:05It's OK to ask questions, but it's also, like, you have to,
35:08like, you say, be respectful when you're asking the questions.
35:12I'm not calling you out of your name.
35:14I'm saying, how you want somebody to open up to you
35:16when you not making them feel comfortable.
35:18You know what I mean?
35:19I get it.
35:20As a host, I feel like certain things has to be done.
35:22Like, you know, I understand that's, like,
35:24your way of doing things, but you can't always do that
35:26when you want to host a crowd.
35:30And you want people to listen to you.
35:31You want people to feel comfortable with you, right?
35:32Here's the thing. Yes.
35:33And I've been doing this a very, very long time.
35:36And it's very rare that I have someone
35:38who is super sensitive about the way that I do business.
35:42Because I feel like you should be able to sit in front of me
35:45and say what you want, and vice versa.
35:48But some people cannot take people like me
35:51who are going to ask things that you may not
35:54be comfortable with.
35:55It's not about accidents.
35:56It's the disrespect that you display.
35:58OK, and if you feel like I disrespected you,
36:00I humbly apologize, OK?
36:04And so I will try my best to connect with you
36:09and to be mindful of how I approach you.
36:13But please understand, I'm here to do my job.
36:16And I'm here to do mine, too.
36:18OK, and I expect you to.
36:19Because you wouldn't be here if you didn't, OK?
36:22You're great TV.
36:23You have a great relationship with NowThis TV.
36:25They love you.
36:26And they really, really want us to,
36:29because this is a different type of show, OK?
36:32And they really want me to try to figure out, you know,
36:37what's going on in your relationship.
36:38Because that video that I saw, like, when I tell you,
36:41I cannot even, I know that's your man.
36:45But I've never in my life have ever been hit by a man.
36:52I can't even fathom it.
36:53But I feel like a lot of, everybody
36:55goes through things in their relationships.
36:57Like, a lot of women out here getting hit on and stuff
37:02like that, you know?
37:03So when it's sensitive topics like that,
37:06I feel like I would like you to be
37:08a little more sensitive to it.
37:10I am sensitive, but I'm not sensitive to a grown man
37:14justifying doing anything like that to anybody,
37:18including somebody that he's with.
37:20And so just please know that when I talk to your partner,
37:24it's going to be tough.
37:25He's a man.
37:27I'm not going to beat around the bush.
37:29I'm not going to kiss his ass.
37:30I'm not going to stroke his ego.
37:33Because a lot of times when the rah-rah comes,
37:36it's because they're on the defense mode,
37:38because they know that the way that they're reacting is wrong.
37:41And you cannot tell me that that shit doesn't hurt you.
37:47But in another breath, though, like, you know,
37:50I do got to take some type of accountability,
37:52because I did, like, you know, hit him first.
37:56And you got to stop that too?
37:57I do got to stop that, because I be hitting, like, you know,
38:00and I be thinking, like, a nigga not supposed to hit me back.
38:03But I don't know.
38:04We're going to figure it out, OK?
38:06But I didn't like what the fuck I saw.
38:08And, you know, yeah, we doing TV,
38:11but there's a line that's got to be drawn, OK?
38:13And so you should be able to walk out of here and see
38:17and not have to worry about, you know,
38:19anything broken or anything.
38:21Like, he can find a way to restrain you without putting
38:26his full force on you.
38:28And we're going to get to the bottom of why
38:29he feels that he has to use his full force against you,
38:33because I've seen you fight.
38:35And I don't, you don't strike me as somebody like him that
38:39could, you know, put his ass down.
38:43So why would he feel the need to be
38:44aggressive with you like that?
38:45So I'm really here for you.
38:48And when you walked in, I truly, when I was arguing,
38:51I was arguing with your partner about putting his hands on you.
38:55But because me and you had unresolved issues,
38:58we got off on the wrong foot, OK?
39:02So just know, when it comes to this, I'm on your side.
39:07And that's real talk.
39:08But you should not be putting hands on him.
39:11I know.
39:12And I'm working on that.
39:13All right, can we hug it out?
39:17All right, mama.
39:18All right, I'm going to go.
39:20Let's get this TV done.
39:24I was told that, Swag, you, you're like polyamorous, right?
39:28I mean, yeah, I am.
39:30But, you know, it is what it is.
39:33It is what it is.
39:34No, for real, Ivy, move that fucking snake.
39:37Ivy, get it!
39:38Get that fucking snake off of me.
39:39Yeah, shut up, bitch.
39:40Try putting your mouth in your ass, bitch.
39:41Let me get the fuck away from you.
39:44Try putting your ass in it.
39:45Take your partner's hand and hold it up like this.
39:48So your challenge of the day is?
39:51We handcuffed him.
39:52We handcuffed him.
39:53We handcuffed him.
39:54We handcuffed him.
39:55We handcuffed him.
39:56That's not what we did.
39:57Oh, OK.
39:58We chose our partners.
39:59We did.
40:00Now they pushing us because they
40:01want to push him, I'm telling you.
40:03Watch how this play out.
40:05Oh, it's going to be some diddy shit going on, OK?
40:09I don't know.