• 2 months ago
Pet's Day | Tamang pag-aalaga ng tortoise

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00:00It's Wednesday, so it means it's pet's day, that's why we have a cute, cute, cute pet with us this morning.
00:08And for us to know that, let's watch everything.
00:12For reptile lovers, it's really hard to take care of tortoises.
00:19Aside from being expensive, they are also not that demanding to take care of.
00:24But did you know that taking care of tortoises is a life commitment?
00:29Because there are some species of tortoises that can live for more than 80 years in captivity.
00:37That's why they are known as the longest living land animals in the world.
00:43Because of that, we will know how to properly take care of them
00:48and other information about this amazing pet.
00:52This Wednesday, pet's day.
00:55And now, we are joined by the tortoise owner, Maricris Goh.
00:59Chris, good morning. Welcome to Rise and Shine.
01:01Good morning.
01:03Chris, introduce us to your pet. What's his name?
01:06Hi, this is Frap.
01:10Yes. He's a baby.
01:13He's a five-year-old tortoise.
01:18But he's already big.
01:20So, will he still grow?
01:22So, if you have a tortoise, this is how big it will be.
01:26Oh, wow!
01:27So, it's already big?
01:30And you said earlier that it can live up to 80, even 100 years, right?
01:35Of course.
01:37As a tortoise owner, do you have any routines?
01:40Like, do you teach him how to count?
01:42That's hard.
01:43What are the routines that you do as an owner?
01:46What are the routines that you do as an owner?
01:48One of the cute characteristics of Frap, or a tortoise, is that he knows when we're around.
01:56Oh, really?
01:58How? What's their signal?
01:59They feel that we're already at their house.
02:02So, they'll come closer.
02:04Oh, sweet.
02:05And since we have a baby at home, they grow at the same time.
02:13That's cute.
02:14They have a picture where they're still babies, and now they're playmates.
02:19And he's not harmful.
02:21So, he doesn't bite or anything.
02:24And he's super playful with our dogs.
02:27Oh, so you have another pet at your house?
02:31What are your other pets?
02:33We have Aspie, and we have Corgis.
02:36So, those are his playmates.
02:39They're so happy at their house.
02:42I didn't know Frap is such a friendly dog.
02:45He's so friendly.
02:46I mean, look at him.
02:48He can feel you.
02:49He's so cute.
02:50What do you call this?
02:53His shell.
02:54Isn't it hard?
02:56Do you moisturize it?
02:58You need to put petroleum jelly on it.
03:01Petroleum jelly.
03:02Yes, because his shell will dry.
03:05Is he like Bretman Rock?
03:08Yes, right?
03:09He has a baby brother.
03:11He looks like Bretman Rock or Lasolene Yusef.
03:15The one with the red foot.
03:16How do you take care of the tortoise?
03:18What do you feed them?
03:20The tortoise are very low-maintenance.
03:24Especially for us, we're from the province.
03:27So, we only have free tomatoes and water spinach.
03:31And our favorite is gumamela.
03:33Oh, okay.
03:34The gumamela flowers.
03:37And carabao grass.
03:39His proteins are leaves.
03:42Do you have to eat it every day?
03:45Aside from the leaves, the doctor prescribed pellets for the tortoise.
03:56For those who want to take care of a tortoise, what should they know first?
04:02We took him when he was a baby.
04:06He's this big compared to now.
04:09He's almost five times his size.
04:13So, it's like you're taking care of a baby.
04:17He needs to be incubated.
04:19Oh, so sweet.
04:20He can't get cold.
04:23And his surroundings should be clean.
04:27He should eat well.
04:30He's still a baby.
04:31He doesn't know if he can eat rocks or dirt.
04:35His water needs to be filtered.
04:37Oh, I see.
04:41Does he have a pet?
04:43That's the most challenging part of being a tortoise mom.
04:48Because the vets here are available in the province.
04:54Cats and dogs are their expertise.
04:57That's why we take him to Manila for a check-up.
05:03Which province is he from?
05:04Nueva Ecija.
05:05Oh, okay.
05:06So, you're going to Manila from Nueva Ecija?
05:10To get a check-up on Frap.
05:12Does he have a sibling?
05:15His baby brother is a red-footed tortoise.
05:20How old is he?
05:21He's the same age as Frap, but he doesn't grow up.
05:26Oh, I see.
05:27But he's also a tortoise.
05:28So, there are different kinds of tortoises.
05:31Some of them grow up, but others don't.
05:35He's still a baby.
05:36He'll grow up to be 10 times bigger.
05:39Oh, wow!
05:41I can't carry him right now.
05:44What does he do at home?
05:46Sometimes, when he can open the gate, he climbs it.
05:53Oh, really?
05:55How much does a tortoise usually cost?
05:58We bought him during the pandemic.
06:02So, we don't know how much he costs now.
06:05There were two of them back then.
06:07It was around P75,000.
06:12At that time.
06:13So, I don't know how much he costs now.
06:16So, you started taking care of a tortoise during the pandemic?
06:20Actually, he was influenced by our mom.
06:23She adopts water turtles.
06:27In our province, there are water turtles.
06:33There's a water field.
06:35So, there are water turtles.
06:38He wants to have a tortoise.
06:42It's so cute to have a tortoise.
06:43Because you can feed him to your grandchildren.
06:47Because he doesn't eat.
06:49He doesn't eat right away.
06:52He bites me.
06:54Because I'm trying to feed him.
06:55Oh, okay.
06:56Because I'm very clingy.
06:58I'm trying to feed him treats and leaves.
07:02But he doesn't bite me.
07:04How does he react when a stranger approaches him?
07:09He hides.
07:10Oh, I see.
07:11He's very introverted and scared.
07:13You can hold his head.
07:15He might bite you.
07:17I can hold him.
07:19Oh, I see.
07:20He might get scared.
07:21He might turn his head inside.
07:25So, how can I know if he's sleeping?
07:27If he's sleeping.
07:29I can close his eyes.
07:31He's so cute.
07:33He's like a human.
07:34You're right.
07:36I can close his eyes.
07:37But when he's sleeping, he's relaxed.
07:40He's not in a shell.
07:42He's hiding in a shell.
07:43Just like his head comes out.
07:44As if his head is lying down.
07:46He's very relaxed.
07:47He's really like that.
07:49I can close his eyes.
07:50He's not in a shell.
07:51You're right.
07:56So, what are your social media accounts?
07:58So, we can follow your bonding moments.
08:00We saw each other on TikTok.
08:03On my personal account.
08:05But he has an official Instagram account.
08:08It's called Bahay Aso.
08:11Our Instagram name is Bahay Aso.
08:15Thank you for joining us here at Rise and Shine Philippines.
08:18Next time, bring Coffee Jelly, your corgis, and Aspen.
08:25Thank you very much, Chris.
08:27And of course, Frap.
08:29He's our bonding member.
08:30He's so cute.
