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Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg: 'We Waited Our Whole Lives for Each Other'


00:00All the gorgeousness that she walks into a room with
00:03is just like the cherry on top of the soul that she is.
00:09We're always learning.
00:10We're always learning from each other.
00:12We're always — you know why?
00:13Because we have a goal in our life
00:15is to always, like, grow spiritually,
00:20to get better as human beings, and to support each other.
00:23So that's always — we're constantly welcoming
00:27the lessons that come each way.
00:30So because we're welcoming, because we're open to what is,
00:34I feel like it's been very easy, and we've kind of got this.
00:38It's like, it's not difficult at all.
00:43Does that make sense?
00:44Absolutely, and I — yes, and if I can add,
00:48I don't think it took 10 years for us to figure it out.
00:51And what I mean is, I don't want to sound like,
00:53you know, we're just —
00:55we're the greatest marriage experts in the world.
00:57I think we both had similar journeys.
00:59We both are parents, we've both been divorced,
01:02and we both, you know, learned a lot in the years
01:05that we had before we met each other.
01:08I think when we met, we kind of knew
01:11we were going to be married almost immediately.
01:14We just fell in love instantly, and to just —
01:17I knew when we started dating, there was no turning back.
01:20And she said the same.
01:21But I think what we figured out is,
01:24when we decided to get married, we were, like, all in.
01:29This is forever. We're not goofing up this time.
01:32Like, this is the marriage. This is the love of our —
01:34we are the love of each other's lives,
01:36and I'm speaking for both of us, but —
01:40It's true. It's true.
01:42But I think we were just all in.
01:44And so from the moment we said,
01:46I do, to forever,
01:49everything is about making the marriage the best it can be,
01:52being there for each other in every single way, and —
01:56Prioritizing the marriage.
01:58Because with that foundation of Jenny and I,
02:01everything is strong.
02:03You know, our children — we could be better parents
02:05if we're a better couple.
02:06We can be better partners if we're a better couple.
02:09But if we put things before the relationship,
02:13then we have a weak foundation, right?
02:15And so I think we knew that going in,
02:17And so everything we've done is not to —
02:21not been done to master marriage or to be,
02:24you know, experts at it.
02:26It's really been to service the marriage
02:28and to service our relationship
02:30and to keep growing as people.
02:32And so we're doing that constantly,
02:34and I think that is the secret to marriage.
02:37I think so many times people go into marriage,
02:41you know, thinking it's almost like a transitional thing.
02:46It's like, yeah, and it happens.
02:48I mean, 65% of couples get divorced,
02:50but I think we went into it knowing,
02:53hey, if we love each other this much,
02:54if this means this much to us,
02:55let's give it everything we've got
02:57and make it the center of our lives.
03:00And we have, and everything's benefited
03:03from taking that approach.
03:05You know, and we also do the work.
03:07And —
03:09We do the work.
03:10And literally it's called the work from Byron Katie.
03:13And it's tools that have helped us —
03:15That's our guru.
03:16That's our guru, Byron Katie.
03:17To get through moments because, you know,
03:20we don't live in a fairy tale.
03:21We've got things that come up and situations
03:24and things that we might be projecting
03:27from our past into this relationship,
03:29which is very common,
03:30especially in the beginning of the relationship.
03:32But by having the tools and the right communication
03:35to bring those up and clear them and move them away,
03:38it's why we're still going so strong.
03:40It's why we love each other more than ever.
03:42It's because we do that work
03:45and we continue to do that work.
03:47We absolutely, we're both in the same wavelength
03:49of no more babies.
03:52And we wish we could have.
03:56We wish, you know,
03:58it just seemed like we waited our whole lives
04:01for each other.
04:02And we had, I have two boys, she has a son,
04:05and now we're a happy blended family.
04:07So happy.
04:08It just, you know,
04:11Fur babies.
04:11That ship sailed.
04:12It's been dogs for us.
04:15Happy that way.
