Donald Lunan
00:00You're not, you're not so enthusiastic about this part.
00:21I'm bored.
00:23Both these were places, they were pretty basic accommodation for farm workers that were coming
00:29and taken on seasonally usually, but they became well-known because they entertained
00:37themselves inside the Bothy and they would make up songs, they would write songs, they
00:42would sing them among themselves, so after they'd done a day's work back at the Bothy
00:47in the evening, they would gather round the fire and they would have a sing-song.
00:53Stand here and I'll show you, there's the toon below you, but you'd best wait here in
00:59the bar in the night, the night watch, don't I know you?
01:02My brother he's a ploughman and he's up for feeing now, man, so we'll drink to the price
01:08of the working man in Falkirk toon the morn.
01:12You can see them, all the lads from the fair, lads from the Forth on the car and water,
01:18working lads, lads with a gear, lads would sell you the provost's daughter, soldiers
01:23back for the German war, fiddlers up for the border, unless we and I are more than the
01:29kai at the Tristan Fair in Falkirk.