00:00Hi, I'm health reporter Sarah McCann. The NHS has been hit with a quademic of seasonal illnesses this winter.
00:07From flu to COVID, norovirus and RSV, case numbers have been rising, both in adults and children alike.
00:15With the number of children hospitalised for RSV almost doubling compared to the same week last year.
00:23As a parent it's really important to know when your child is seriously unwell and you should contact emergency services.
00:31This is the NHS guidance for contacting 999 on norovirus, the flu, COVID and RSV.
00:39The NHS say you should call 999 if your child has COVID and they seem very unwell or getting worse or you think there's something seriously wrong.
00:49Other signs you should call 999 include sudden chest pain, coughing up blood, collapse, fainting or a seizure,
00:57breathlessness so they're unable to say short sentences or if they have a rash that does not fade when you roll a glass over it, similar to meningitis.
01:07If your child has norovirus the NHS say that you should call 999 or attend the nearest accident emergency department if they are vomiting blood
01:17or have vomit that looks like ground coffee, is yellow or green in colour or is green.
01:23You should also take them to A&E or call 999 if they might have swallowed something poisonous, if they have a stiff neck and pain when looking at bright lights or have a sudden headache.
01:34If your child has RSV the NHS say you should call 999 or attend the nearest accident emergency if your child has difficulty breathing.
01:44You may notice grunting noises, long pauses or their tummy suddenly sucking under their ribs.
01:50You should also contact 999 if your child is floppy and will not wake up or stay awake.
01:56If your child's lips or skin are turning very pale, blue or grey on brown and black skin this may be easier to see on the palms of the hands.
02:05You should also contact 999 if your child is under 5 years old and has a temperature below 36 Celsius.
02:12As a parent you may know if your child seems seriously unwell and should trust your judgement.
02:19You can find out more about when to call 999 for your child's illness on
02:26For more information visit