• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Secondo l’analista finanziario Pietro Calì, intervistato dall’Adnkronos, "i mercati internazionali si preparano a una settimana cruciale, con i riflettori puntati sulle trimestrali. Attesi i risultati di big come Netflix e American Express, chiamati a offrire indicazioni sullo stato di salute dell’economia a stelle e strisce. "Sul fronte politico, Donald Trump continua a dettare la linea con paletti e scelte strategiche che segnano una netta rottura rispetto al passato, alimentando dibattiti e riflessioni sui possibili impatti per aziende e mercati. Una settimana che si preannuncia decisiva, tra finanza e politica".


00:00It seems that caution prevails over international listings these days.
00:04Obviously, we are all waiting to see how the US stock markets will react after Donald Trump's resignation.
00:10A Trump who has set and will set very different rules than the previous presidency.
00:16Still in the United States, we will see the publication of important companies such as Netflix, Procter & Gamble, American Express on Friday.
00:24And, of course, we are waiting for the next week when we will see the American big tech companies publish their accounts.
00:30In Europe, the situation is very different.
00:33We will have a fundamental data to understand the health of the Old Continent,
00:37the data on the PMI manufacturer and the PMI services that will be published on Friday.
00:43In Italy, the titles to consider are Generali, which comes from a probable joint venture with Natixis,
00:51which will create a huge share of managed risk, almost 2 billion assets under management.
00:58The second important title to consider is Stellantis, which is experiencing a very difficult situation,
01:03both in terms of its governance and in terms of the sector it is living in.
01:09The third point is Telecom Italia, which is the subject of a possible bid for 1 billion with the Italian government.
01:19So pay close attention to these titles because they could be very volatile for the whole week.
