• 2 months ago
21 जनवरी को आकाश में अद्भुत नजारा देखने को मिलेगा. सूर्यास्त के बाद पूर्व से पश्चिम तक सौरमंडल के 6 ग्रह एक लाइन में दिखेंगे.


00:00On the evening of January, when the sun has set, you can see the cluster of planets from east to west.
00:10In which you can see 4 planets with your bare eyes.
00:14In this, there are Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
00:18And with the help of a telescope, you can see Uranus and Neptune.
00:23And to see Mercury, you will have to wait for a month.
00:28And if you want to see the 8th planet, then you will have to look down, not in the sky.
00:35That means you are on the earth. You are on the 8th planet in the earth.
00:40So get ready to see the chart of the earth and all the planets.
