Rakel ist eine streng gläubige Christin, die in den 30er-Jahren weit im Norden Schwedens lebt. Als ihr Ehemann eines Tages einen Kult gründet und behauptet, seine Anweisungen würden ihm von Gott selber eingeflüstert werden, hat sie in Raptures keine Wahl als seinem immer extremer werdenden Kult beizutreten.
00:00A film by Janne Kallio
00:02A film by Janne Kallio
00:04A film by Janne Kallio
00:06Are you there, God?
00:08Are you really there?
00:10A film by Janne Kallio
00:12A film by Janne Kallio
00:14Their laws and regulations do not concern us.
00:16We are not Swedes.
00:18Nor are we Finns.
00:20We are us.
00:22A film by Janne Kallio
00:24We had a manifestation.
00:26A film by Janne Kallio
00:28The whole world has abandoned us.
00:30A film by Janne Kallio
00:32It's coming.
00:34A film by Janne Kallio
00:36Do you really mean this?
00:38A film by Janne Kallio
00:40A film by Janne Kallio
00:42I am Christ.
00:44A film by Janne Kallio
00:46You should learn to run and believe.
00:48A film by Janne Kallio
00:50You must realize that this is not Christianity.
00:52A film by Janne Kallio
00:54A film by Janne Kallio
00:56Christmas is a day of judgment.
00:58A film by Janne Kallio
01:00God damn you!
01:02A film by Janne Kallio
01:04They will soon be free.
01:06A film by Janne Kallio
01:08A film by Janne Kallio
01:10Everything is in God's hands.
01:12A film by Janne Kallio
01:14I love theater.
01:16But what I'm thinking is,
01:18do they hear you, God?
01:20A film by Janne Kallio
01:22Is it your voice that they hear?
01:24A film by Janne Kallio
01:26Start now
01:28Aging is important