• vor 2 Monaten


00:00Die neuen Apex Predators der Erde.
00:12Die Welt, die wir wussten, verschwand über Nacht.
00:20Wir haben unsere Heimat und unsere Gemeinschaften verloren.
00:25Und die meisten der Menschen, die wir liebten.
00:28Wir wissen noch nicht, warum wir über 8.000 Meter sicher sind.
00:34Los, los, los, los!
00:40Hunter's last filter burned out.
00:42The hospital in Boulder will have a crate of them.
00:44You're gonna have to go below the line at least a dozen times.
00:46If I don't go, Hunter dies.
00:49You study something long enough, you can figure out how to kill it.
00:53If it doesn't kill you first.
01:02It's different seeing them up close.
01:05We're not meant to share the planet with those things.
01:13Come on, Will!
01:16We're gonna have to fight them eventually.
01:23I'm not leaving you.
01:25We're in this together.
01:28A lot more of us are gonna die.
01:31Go, go, go!
01:37I can't lose you.
01:39This is about more than just your son.
01:41There's no such thing as more than my son.
01:57To be continued