• 2 months ago
Aired (January 21, 2025): Inilantad ni Lilet (Jo Berry) ang mga kasinungalingan ni Renan (Tom Rodriguez) sa harap ni Aera (Analyn Barro), ngunit itinanggi pa rin niya ang mga paratang ni Lilet. #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso


00:18I didn't expect this from Atty. Kurt.
00:20It's clear who has the fingerprint on Kanor's hand.
00:23It's Atty. Renan Alon.
00:25He's so mad at Mang Kanor.
00:27He's mad at Aira. He won't let Aira marry him because he loves her.
00:31He has a bad plan for Aira.
00:33Is this really Aira and Alon's wedding?
00:36Atty. Lalette is definitely not going to be happy about this.
00:39If anyone here has a reason why this union should not be blessed before God,
00:45speak now or remain silent forever.
00:48Stop the wedding!
00:57Trixie, where are you going?
00:59To church.
01:01Are you going to Aira and Renan's wedding?
01:04Why, Mom?
01:06Are you afraid that I might say something?
01:09Don't mind them.
01:11I just want to see Atty. Lalette.
01:19Sheila, get my bag.
01:21Get in the car. I'm leaving.
01:29Atty. Lalette?
01:30Aira, you shouldn't marry that guy.
01:34Atty. Lalette, not here.
01:37Why are you doing this to me?
01:39Why are you ruining my wedding?
01:41Sabrina, you're mad at me, but I won't allow you to marry Renan Alon because he's a bad person.
01:47Bad person?
01:49What are you even talking about?
01:52If this is about Sabrina, we already talked about it. I already forgave him.
01:56Ms. Enseng, can someone get her out of here, please?
02:00Call all your friends,
02:02but you can't stop me from making you realize that you're ruining my humanity.
02:08You better stop.
02:12Let Lalette talk.
02:14I won't allow you to marry my brother.
02:17Atty. Lalette, please, stop it.
02:20No matter what you say, I won't allow our wedding to be canceled.
02:24Even if I tell you that Mang Kanor didn't stay in the States because he disappeared the day we met?
02:46And Renan was involved in his disappearance.
03:31Renan, is this true?
03:34Is what Atty. Lalette is saying true?
03:38That you were involved in Mang Kanor's disappearance?
03:43Babe, I don't know what your brother is saying.
03:47Okay, clearly this is another one of her attempts to ruin us.
03:51Oh, come on, Atty. Alon.
03:53Now you're showing off?
03:56Defend yourself like the master manipulator you are.
03:59Because I already know who you are.
04:02I don't have solid evidence against you regarding Mang Kanor's disappearance.
04:06But I have solid evidence on who you are, what you are, and what you did to Aira.
04:16Atty. Lalette, just tell me the truth.
04:19What are you saying?
04:23Do you remember what Mang Kanor told us?
04:25That he was wrongfully accused of murdering Erlinda Feliciano?
04:29Because, Mom, Atty. Meredith Simmons fired her for a case that she didn't really do.
04:34Mang Kanor was almost jailed, but Mom won her case.
04:38But Erlinda Feliciano's son was very angry and she didn't want to believe that Mang Kanor was innocent.
04:42That's why she was very angry with Mom and Mang Kanor.
04:49Erlinda's son?
05:01Yes, Aira.
05:02Renren Feliciano Alon is Renan Alon's son.
05:07And it's possible that he's not only angry with Mang Kanor, but also with both of us.
05:12Because we're the daughter of a lawyer who freed Mang Kanor.
05:17He's just fooling us, Aira.
05:19He's playing with us.
05:21And we don't know what else he's planning to do to us.
05:27I don't know.
05:28I don't know.
05:29I don't know.
05:30I don't know.
05:31I don't know.
05:32I don't know.
05:33I don't know.
05:34I don't know what he's planning to do to us.
05:49Every time we talk about your mom,
05:54you never tell me that her last name is not Alon.
05:58Is what Ate Lynette is saying true?
06:03That you're the daughter of Erlinda Feliciano?
06:08And you're just playing with us all this time?
06:28And me?
06:33This is what we have?
06:38Am I also part of your game?
06:47Am I also part of it?
06:56Hey, babe.
06:58Of course not.
07:00I'm asking you to marry me because I love you so much.
07:03That's the truth.
07:05Your sister, she's distorting the facts because she doesn't want our marriage to last.
07:09That's the truth.
07:10Am I really the one you're trying to expose?
07:12You really have a thick skin, Renan.
07:14Why don't you just admit that you're involved in the disappearance of Kanor?
07:20That's not true.
07:22Don't deny it.
07:24I know that you're blaming her because of your mother's death and your election.
07:28Can you please be quiet?
07:31I believe that you're very angry with our mother.
07:34And now that our mother is gone, you're pointing a finger at us.
07:39Would you shut up?
07:42I said shut up!
07:43Stop these conspiracy theories.
07:45Stop these fanatics right now!
08:03Why are you just standing there?
08:05Can you just let that woman go so that our marriage won't be ruined?
08:09Get out!
08:23Ma'am, sir.
08:25I'll just take you out.
08:27We need to continue the ceremony.
08:29I'm sorry.
08:53I'm sorry.
08:55I'm sorry.
09:23I'm sorry.
