• 2 months ago
After speaking to Wendy Williams for more than 6 hours this weekend, she's showing no signs of mental decline.


00:00I spent six hours on the telephone this weekend talking to Wendy Williams.
00:06I had multiple conversations with her on Saturday, on Sunday.
00:11I spoke with her early, early in the morning and late in the afternoon both days.
00:16Also spoke with her Friday.
00:18So I have talked to her for hours.
00:21I am here to tell you right now, there was not a minute,
00:27there was not a second where Wendy Williams seemed like she was mentally incapacitated
00:36in any way, much less in a way where she ended up in a guardianship and virtually
00:44all of her freedoms taken away.
00:48It was revealing.
00:50It was shocking.
00:52And I am telling you, there are hard questions.
00:56Numerous people need to answer.
00:58Why is Wendy Williams in a guardianship for three years?
01:03And let me just explain the conditions here.
01:06Wendy Williams is a prisoner, not just in an assisted living facility, in her room.
01:14She is on a floor where it requires an elevator to go down.
01:20She doesn't have access to that elevator.
01:22Somebody has to let her down.
01:25She doesn't go out.
01:27She can't receive phone calls from people.
01:30She has no laptop.
01:33She is a prisoner in this assisted living facility.
01:37And when you listen to her, I'm telling you, there is nothing.
01:43I know this guardian says that she is permanently incapacitated.
01:49I didn't hear any incapacitation.
01:53Right, and you could say somebody had a good moment, perhaps, but you said, Harvey, early
01:56morning, late, different days.
01:59Doesn't make any sense.
02:00And by the way, Charlemagne has spoken to her over the last couple of weeks here and
02:05Rosanna Scotto has spoken with her.
02:07She's the anchor in New York.
02:10Nobody said, nobody has said, oh my God, yeah, she kind of like lapsed and didn't know.
02:17No, I listened to the Charlemagne conversation.
02:18She seemed incredibly lucid.
02:21Perfectly fine.
02:22Well, this took, I'm talking hours and hours of conversation.
02:28And she is with it.
02:30She is with it.
02:32And to have a guardianship where somebody's, and this is an odd guardianship because it
02:38started just because somebody was taking advantage of her financially.
02:42And this is when she was going through some real substance abuse issues.
02:46She's clean now.
02:47But when she was going through those issues, there were issues where somebody was taking
02:52advantage of her financially.
02:54Somehow that morphed into a guardianship over her entire life and not just a guardianship,
03:01because remember with Britney Spears, with Britney Spears, she was still able to communicate
03:09with the outside world.
03:10She was on Instagram going out with her then husband.
03:14This seems far more strict.
03:17It's worse than when you look at what somebody in prison who commits a violent crime, they
03:24at least get out an hour a day.
03:27She doesn't get any of that.
03:28So how could this possibly have happened then, Harvey?
03:31How do you take away a free adult's will to operate their own life?
03:36I mean, how?
03:37It started with the documentary, this lifetime documentary where she was just off the rails.
03:44And there were substance abuse issues.
03:46And there is a theory that the guardians let her do this and were never even around when
03:52it was being filmed to protect her.
03:54So maybe, just maybe, and I'm giving a theory, this is a complete overreaction to the guardians
04:04not doing what they should have when that was done.
04:07If I were in her situation, being locked in a room for three years, essentially, I don't
04:15know that I would be a functioning human being.
04:20She seems like she's doing great, all things considered.
04:23I'm shocked.
04:24I'm shocked at how well she's doing.
04:27Given what she is being treated like a prisoner.
04:33It sounds like she's in solitary confinement.
04:35And you've seen what that does to people.
04:37She is.
04:38And just to hear her mental state, to hear that she can be even happy, still knowing
04:45the circumstances and being angry about it, is stunning to me.
