• hace 2 meses


00:00Bueno, muchas gracias.
00:04Vicepresidente Vance,
00:07el alcalde Johnson, el senador Thune,
00:11el alcalde Roberts,
00:13los alcaldes de la Suprema Corte de Estados Unidos,
00:20el presidente Clinton, el presidente Bush,
00:23el presidente Obama, el presidente Biden,
00:27el vicepresidente Harris y a mis colegas ciudadanos,
00:33el Golden Age de América comienza ahora mismo.
00:37Desde el día de hoy en adelante,
00:46nuestro país crecerá y será respetado de nuevo
00:49por todo el mundo.
00:52Seremos la envidia de cada nación
00:54y no vamos a permitirnos
00:56que seamos tomados por desgracia más tarde.
01:00Cada día de la administración de Trump,
01:04simplemente pondré a América primero.
01:17Nuestra soberanía será reclamada,
01:20nuestra seguridad será restaurada,
01:23las escalas de justicia serán rebalanceadas,
01:27la viciosa, violenta y injusta armamentación
01:30de la Departamento de Justicia y nuestro gobierno terminarán.
01:42Y nuestra prioridad superior será crear una nación
01:45que sea orgullosa, próspera y libre.
01:54América pronto será mayor, más fuerte
01:58y mucho más excepcional que nunca antes.
02:07Vuelvo a la presidencia con confianza y optimismo
02:10de que estamos en el comienzo de una nueva era
02:13de éxito nacional.
02:16Un tormento de cambios está rompiendo el país,
02:18la luz del sol está llenando todo el mundo
02:22y América tiene la oportunidad de tomar esta oportunidad
02:25como nunca antes.
02:27Pero primero tenemos que ser honestos
02:28sobre los desafíos que enfrentamos.
02:31Mientras sean plenos, serán anihilados
02:34por este gran movimiento que el mundo
02:36ahora está viviendo en los Estados Unidos de América.
02:41Como nos reunimos hoy,
02:42nuestro gobierno se enfrenta a una crisis de confianza.
02:45Por muchos años, un establecimiento radical y corrupto
02:49ha extraído poder y riqueza de nuestros ciudadanos
02:51mientras que los pílares de nuestra sociedad
02:54están rompiendo y, aparentemente, en desarrollo.
02:58Ahora tenemos un gobierno que no puede manejar
03:00incluso una simple crisis en casa,
03:03mientras que al mismo tiempo se encuentra
03:05en un catálogo continuo de eventos catastróficos a lo largo del mundo.
03:09Faltan para proteger a nuestros ciudadanos
03:12americanos que abordan la ley magnífica,
03:14pero proporcionan santuario y protección
03:17para crímenes peligrosos,
03:18muchos de cárceles y instituciones mentales
03:22que han ingresado ilegalmente a nuestro país
03:24de todo el mundo.
03:26Tenemos un gobierno que ha dado
03:28financiamiento ilimitado a la defensa de fronteras extranjeras,
03:31pero rechaza de defender fronteras americanas
03:34o, más importante, sus propias personas.
03:38Nuestro país ya no puede ofrecer servicios básicos
03:41en tiempos de emergencia,
03:42como se ha mostrado recientemente
03:45por los maravillosos pueblos de Norte Carolina,
03:49que han sido tratados tan mal,
03:55y otros estados que todavía sufren
03:57de una huracán que sucedió hace muchos meses.
04:00O, más recientemente, Los Ángeles,
04:02donde estamos viendo que las bombas todavía
04:04se queman trágicamente.
04:06Hace semanas, sin ni siquiera un toque de defensa,
04:11se están incendiando las casas y las comunidades,
04:14incluso afectando a algunos de los más ricos
04:16y los más poderosos individuos de nuestro país,
04:18algunos de los que están aquí ahora mismo.
04:22No tienen más hogar.
04:24Eso es interesante, pero no podemos dejar que esto suceda.
04:28Todo el mundo no puede hacer nada
04:32que vaya a cambiar.
04:34Tenemos un sistema de salud público
04:36que no ofrece en tiempos de desastre,
04:38y aún más dinero se ha gastado en ello
04:40que en cualquier país, en cualquier lugar del mundo.
04:43Y tenemos un sistema de educación
04:45que enseña a nuestros hijos
04:46a tener vergüenza por sí mismos,
04:48en muchos casos, a odiar a nuestro país,
04:50a pesar de la amor que intentamos
04:52tan desesperadamente ofrecerles.
04:55Todo esto va a cambiar a partir de hoy,
04:59y va a cambiar muy rápidamente.
05:11Mi elección reciente es un mandato
05:13para completamente y totalmente revertir
05:16una horrible traición,
05:19y todas estas muchas traiciones que han tenido lugar
05:23y para dar de vuelta a la gente su fe,
05:27su riqueza, su democracia
05:29y, de hecho, su libertad.
05:32Desde este momento en adelante,
05:34el descenso de América es terminado.
05:47Nuestras libertades y el destino glorioso de nuestra nación
05:51no serán más denunciados,
05:53y inmediatamente restauraremos la integridad,
05:56la competencia y la lealtad del gobierno de América.
06:00Durante los últimos ocho años,
06:02he sido testado y desafiado más de cualquier presidente
06:05en nuestra historia de 250 años,
06:07y he aprendido mucho a lo largo del camino.
06:11El viaje a reclamar nuestra república
06:14no ha sido fácil, eso les puedo decir.
06:18Aquellos que desean detener nuestra causa
06:21han intentado tomar mi libertad
06:23y, de hecho, tomar mi vida.
06:27Solo hace unos meses,
06:28en un hermoso campo de Pensilvania,
06:30un tiroteo de asesinos rompió mi oído,
06:35pero entonces sentí, y creo aún más ahora,
06:38que mi vida fue salvada por una razón.
06:41Fui salvado por Dios para hacer de América una nueva grande.
06:53Gracias. Muchas gracias.
07:16Es por eso que cada día,
07:18bajo nuestra administración de los patriotas americanos,
07:23vamos a trabajar para reunir cada crisis
07:25con dignidad, poder y fuerza.
07:28Vamos a avanzar con propósito y velocidad
07:31para traer de vuelta esperanza, prosperidad,
07:33seguridad y paz para los ciudadanos de cada raza,
07:37religión, color y creed.
07:40Para los ciudadanos americanos,
07:42el 20 de enero de 2025 es el Día de la Libertad.
07:53Esa es mi esperanza,
07:58que nuestra reciente elección presidencial
08:00sea recordada como la elección más grande
08:02y más consecuente en la historia de nuestro país.
08:07Como mostró nuestra victoria,
08:08toda la nación se unió rápidamente
08:10detrás de nuestra agenda,
08:12con aumentos dramáticos y apoyo
08:14de casi cada elemento de nuestra sociedad,
08:17jóvenes y viejos, hombres y mujeres,
08:19africanos, hispanos,
08:22asiáticos, urbanos, suburbanos, rurales,
08:26y, muy importante, tuvimos una victoria poderosa
08:28en todos los siete estados,
08:31y la votación popular la ganamos por millones de personas.
08:40A las comunidades negras y hispanas,
08:43les quiero agradecer por el tremendo
08:45aportamiento de amor y confianza
08:48que me han mostrado con su votación.
08:51Hicimos recortes, y no lo olvidaré.
08:55He escuchado sus voces en la campaña,
08:57y espero trabajar con ustedes en los años que vienen.
09:02Hoy es el Día de Martin Luther King,
09:03y su honor,
09:05este será un gran honor,
09:07pero en su honor vamos a luchar juntos
09:10para hacer de su sueño realidad.
09:13We will make his dream come true.
09:16Thank you.
09:18Thank you.
09:20Thank you.
09:22Thank you.
09:24Thank you.
09:25Thank you.
09:27Thank you.
09:28Thank you.
09:30Thank you.
09:35National unity is now returning to America,
09:40and confidence and pride is soaring like never before.
09:45In everything we do, my administration
09:48will be inspired by a strong pursuit of excellence
09:50and unrelenting success.
09:53We will not forget our country,
09:55we will not forget our Constitution,
09:58and we will not forget our God.
10:03Can't do that.
10:11Today I will sign a series of historic executive orders.
10:16With these actions, we will begin
10:18the complete restoration of America
10:20and the revolution of common sense.
10:24It's all about common sense.
10:27First, I will declare a national emergency
10:31at our southern border.
10:34All the people of the United States
10:37of America,
10:38I declare a national emergency
10:41at our southern border.
10:43All the people of the United States
10:46of America,
10:48I declare a national emergency
10:51at our southern border.
10:54All illegal entry will immediately be halted
10:58and we will begin the process
11:00of returning millions and millions
11:02of criminal aliens back to the places
11:05from which they came.
11:07We will reinstate my remain in Mexico policy.
11:13We will reinstate my remain in Mexico policy.
11:20I will end the practice of catch and release.
11:28And I will send troops to the southern border
11:31to repel the disastrous invasion of our country.
11:40Under the orders I signed today,
11:42we will also be
11:45Under the orders I signed today,
11:47we will also be
11:49designating the cartels
11:51as foreign terrorist organizations.
11:56And by invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798,
12:02And by invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798,
12:04I will direct our government
12:06to use the full and immense power
12:08to use the full and immense power
12:10of federal and state law enforcement
12:12to eliminate the presence
12:14of foreign terrorist organizations
12:16in our country.
12:18I will direct our government
12:20to use the full and immense power
12:22of federal and state law enforcement
12:24to eliminate the presence
12:26of all foreign gangs and criminal networks
12:28bringing devastating crime
12:30to U.S. soil,
12:32including our cities
12:34and inner cities.
12:42As Commander-in-Chief,
12:44I have no higher responsibility
12:46than to defend our country
12:48from threats and invasions,
12:50and that is exactly what I am going to do.
12:52We will do it at a level
12:54that nobody has ever seen before.
12:56Next, I will direct all members
12:58of my Cabinet to marshal
13:00the vast powers at their disposal
13:02to defeat what was
13:04record inflation
13:06and rapidly bring down
13:08costs and prices.
13:16The inflation crisis was caused
13:18by massive overspending
13:20and escalating energy prices,
13:22and that is why today
13:24I will also declare
13:26a national energy emergency.
13:28We will drill, baby, drill.
13:50America will be a manufacturing nation once again,
13:54and we have something that no other
13:56manufacturing nation will ever have,
13:58the largest amount of oil and gas
14:00of any country on Earth,
14:02and we are going to use it.
14:10We will bring prices down,
14:12fill our strategic reserves up again,
14:14right to the top,
14:16and export American energy
14:18all over the world.
14:26We will be a rich nation again,
14:28and it is that liquid gold
14:30under our feet
14:32that will help to do it.
14:34With my actions today,
14:36we will end the Green New Deal,
14:38and we will revoke the electric vehicle mandate,
14:40saving our auto industry
14:42and keeping my sacred pledge
14:44to our great American
14:58In other words,
15:00you'll be able to buy
15:02the car of your choice.
15:04We will build automobiles
15:06in America again at a rate
15:08that nobody could have dreamt possible
15:10just a few years ago,
15:12and thank you to the autoworkers
15:14for your inspiration,
15:16for your inspiring vote of confidence.
15:18We did tremendously with their vote.
15:22I will immediately begin
15:24the overhaul
15:26of our trade system
15:28to protect American workers
15:30and families.
15:32Instead of taxing our citizens
15:34to enrich other countries,
15:36we will tariff and tax
15:38foreign countries to enrich
15:40our citizens.
15:44For this purpose,
15:46we are establishing
15:48the external
15:50revenue service
15:52to collect all tariffs,
15:54duties, and revenues
15:56that will be massive
15:58amounts of money
16:00pouring into our treasury
16:02coming from foreign sources.
16:04The American dream
16:06will soon be back and thriving
16:08like never before
16:10to restore competence
16:12and effectiveness to our federal government.
16:14My administration
16:16will establish the brand new
16:18Department of Government
16:34After years and years of illegal
16:36and unconstitutional federal efforts
16:38to restrict free expression,
16:40I will also sign an executive
16:42order to immediately stop
16:44all government censorship
16:46and bring back free speech
16:48to America.
17:06Never again will the immense power
17:08of the state be weaponized
17:10to persecute political opponents.
17:12Something I know something
17:16We will not allow that to happen.
17:18It will not happen again.
17:20Under my leadership, we will restore
17:22fair, equal, and impartial
17:24justice under the constitutional
17:26rule of law.
17:32And we are going to bring
17:34law and order back
17:36to our cities.
17:42This week, I will
17:44also end the government policy of
17:46trying to socially engineer
17:48race and gender into
17:50every aspect of public and
17:52private life.
18:00We will forge a society
18:02that is colorblind
18:04and merit-based.
18:12As of today,
18:14it will henceforth be the official
18:16policy of the United States government
18:18that there are only two genders,
18:20male and female.
18:40This week, I will reinstate
18:42any service members who were
18:44unjustly expelled from our military
18:46for objecting to the COVID vaccine
18:48mandate with full
18:50back pain.
19:02And I will sign an order
19:04to stop our warriors from being
19:06subjected to radical political
19:08theories and social experiments
19:10while on duty. It's going to
19:12end immediately.
19:18Our armed forces will be freed to focus
19:20on their sole mission,
19:24America's enemies.
19:50Like in 2017,
19:52we will again build the strongest
19:54military the world has
19:56ever seen.
19:58We will measure our success not only
20:00by the battles we win,
20:02but also by the wars that
20:04we end, and perhaps most importantly
20:06the wars we never get into.
20:28My proudest legacy will
20:30be that of a peacemaker
20:32and a unifier. That's what I want
20:34to be, a peacemaker and a unifier.
20:36I'm pleased to say
20:38that as of yesterday, one day
20:40before I assumed office,
20:42the hostages
20:44in the Middle East are coming back home
20:46to their families.
21:08Thank you.
21:10America will reclaim its rightful
21:12place as the greatest, most powerful,
21:14most respected nation on Earth,
21:16inspiring the awe
21:18and admiration of the
21:20entire world. A short time
21:22from now, we are going to be
21:24changing the name of the Gulf
21:26of Mexico to the Gulf
21:28of America, and we will
21:30restore the name
21:32of a great
21:34president, William
21:36McKinley, to Mount McKinley,
21:38where it should be and where it belongs.
23:16Above all, my message
23:18to Americans today is that
23:20it is time for us to once again
23:22act with courage, vigor,
23:24and the vitality of history's
23:26greatest civilization.
23:28So as we liberate our nation,
23:30we will lead it
23:32to new heights of victory
23:34and success.
23:36We will not be deterred.
23:38Together we will end the chronic disease epidemic
23:40and keep our children
23:42safe, healthy, and disease-free.
23:44The United States will once again
23:46consider itself a growing
23:48nation, one that
23:50increases our wealth, expands
23:52our territory, builds
23:54our cities, raises our expectations,
23:56and carries our flag
23:58into new and beautiful horizons.
24:00And we will pursue
24:02our manifest destiny into the stars,
24:04launching American astronauts
24:06to plant the stars
24:08and stripes on the planet
24:32is the lifeblood of a great
24:34nation, and right now
24:36our nation is more
24:38ambitious than
24:40any other. There's no nation like
24:42our nation.
24:44Americans are explorers, builders,
24:46innovators, entrepreneurs, and
24:50The spirit of the frontier is written
24:52into our hearts. The call
24:54of the next great adventure
24:58from within our souls.
25:00Our American
25:02ancestors turned a small group
25:04of colonies on the edge of
25:06a vast continent into
25:08a mighty republic of the most extraordinary
25:10citizens on Earth.
25:12No one comes close.
25:14Americans pushed thousands
25:16of miles through a rugged land
25:18of untamed
25:20wilderness. They crossed
25:22deserts, scaled mountains, braved
25:24untold dangers,
25:26won the Wild West, ended
25:28slavery, rescued millions from
25:30tyranny, lifted billions
25:32from poverty, harnessed electricity,
25:34split the atom,
25:36launched mankind into
25:38the heavens, and put the
25:40universe of human knowledge into
25:42the palm of the human hand.
25:44If we work together,
25:46there is nothing we cannot do
25:48and no dream we cannot
25:50achieve. Many people
25:52thought it was impossible
25:54for me to stage such a historic
25:56political comeback,
25:58but as you see today,
26:00here I am. The American people have
26:22I stand before you now
26:24as proof that you should never
26:26believe that something is impossible
26:28to do. In America,
26:30the impossible is what we
26:32do best.
26:40From New York to Los Angeles,
26:42from Philadelphia to Phoenix,
26:44from Chicago to Miami,
26:46from Houston to right here
26:48in Washington, D.C.,
26:50our country was
26:52forged and built by the generations
26:54of patriots who gave everything
26:56they had for our rights
26:58and for our freedom.
27:00They were farmers and soldiers,
27:02cowboys and factory workers,
27:04steel workers and coal miners,
27:06police officers and
27:08pioneers who pushed onward,
27:10marched forward, and let
27:12no obstacle defeat their spirit
27:14or their pride.
27:16Together they laid down the railroads,
27:18raised up the skyscrapers,
27:20built great
27:22highways, won
27:24two world wars, defeated
27:26fascism and communism
27:28and triumphed over
27:30every single challenge that they
27:34After all we have been through together,
27:36we stand on the verge of the four
27:38greatest years in American history.
27:40With your help,
27:42we will restore America's
27:44promise, and we will rebuild
27:46the nation that we love, and we love it
27:48so much.
27:50We are one people, one family, and one
27:52glorious nation under God.
27:54So to every parent who
27:56dreams for their child,
27:58and every child who dreams for their future,
28:00I am with you,
28:02I will fight for you,
28:04and I will win for you.
28:06We are going to win like never before.
28:08Thank you.
28:10Thank you.
28:12Thank you.
28:14Thank you.
28:16Thank you.
28:18Thank you.
28:20Thank you.
28:22Thank you.
28:24Thank you.
28:26Thank you.
28:28In recent years our nation
28:30has suffered greatly,
28:32but we are going to bring it back and
28:34make it great again, greater
28:36than ever before.
28:38We will be a nation like no other,
28:40full of compassion, courage, and
28:44Our power will stop all wars
28:46and bring a new spirit of unity
28:48to a world that has been angry,
28:50violent, and totally unpredictable.
28:54will be respected again and
28:56admired again, including
28:58by people of religion,
29:00faith, and goodwill.
29:02We will be prosperous.
29:04We will be proud.
29:06We will be strong, and we will win
29:08like never before.
29:10We will not be conquered.
29:12We will not be intimidated.
29:14We will not be broken.
29:16And we will not fail.
29:18From this day on, the United States
29:20of America will be a free, sovereign,
29:22and independent nation.
29:24We will stand bravely.
29:26We will live proudly.
29:28We will dream boldly.
29:30And nothing will stand
29:32in our way because we are Americans.
29:34The future is ours,
29:36and our golden age has
29:38just begun.
29:40Thank you. God bless America.
29:42Thank you all. Thank you.
29:44Thank you very much.
29:46Thank you very much.
29:48Thank you.
30:14Ladies and gentlemen,
30:16performing America the Beautiful,
30:18please welcome the Armed Forces Chorus
30:20and Carrie Underwood.

