• 2 months ago
Chris Brown looks back at his most memorable play in Bills Ravens matchup, Christian Bedford's forced fumble on Mark Andrews.
00:00but it ends up being a great night at the stadium. What about it will you remember?
00:05I'll probably remember Terrell Bernard's punch out on Mark Andrews. That might be the best
00:12forced fumble I've ever seen in my life based on time of the game, score of the game,
00:19the stakes involved. I think people were concerned that momentum had shifted in favor of Baltimore.
00:26Maybe even if they tie that game, Josh has the ball with 133 left and has to get field goal
00:30range. I still like my odds, but I think people were gripping at that point and for Bernard to
00:37make that play. I mean, let's not forget the builder, the only team that's beaten the Chiefs
00:42who sealed the game at the end, Terrell Bernard with an interception. So that guy is a difference
00:50maker 150%. And that's probably what I'll remember most about that game.
