• last month
গুয়াহাটিগামী-কাঞ্চনজঙ্ঘা এক্সপ্রেসে কাটা পড়েন একই কারখানার দুই কর্মী ৷ রেললাইনের দু'ধার থেকে দু'জনের মৃতদেহ উদ্ধার হয় । পরে ঘটনাস্থলে আসে রেলপুলিশ ৷


00:00I don't know what they will do with the vegetables they sowed.
00:28Both are dead.
00:30Where do you work?
00:32I work in the market.
00:34What time do you work?
00:36I work from 8 am.
00:40How long have you been living here?
00:42I have been living here for 5-6 years.
00:44I work in a tea park.
00:50I left home at 6 am.
00:52I drive a toto.
00:54I didn't know.
00:56I was in Phuleshri.
00:58My wife called me.
01:00My father had died.
01:02I don't know where he went to work.
01:04There were two men.
01:08We came back from Phuleshri.
01:10He was lying in the middle.
