• 2 months ago
A pensioner says her home is 'uninhabitable' because of a shuddering noise that's made by a manhole cover outside her property.

Freda Smith, 73, says she's heard the noise outside her house on Liverpool Road in Eccles, Greater Manchester, every time a vehicle has driven over the hole for the last ten years.

She's lived there for more than 50 years with her husband David, 75, but is now struggling to watch TV and sleep because of how loud it is.

Freda said Salford City Council repaired the hole on Thursday night (January 16) but it's not worked and she can hear the banging.


00:00This has been going on for some time and we've had no proper results. All they do is come and
00:08patch it up and scarper and this is having a big effect on my family. Number one, my son
00:17is on the front bedroom here which is approximately six feet from the main road.
00:25There's a very narrow pavement. In order to sleep at night he has to put in earplugs.
00:33Added to that, he has to put on noise cancelling headphones and then if possible he may get some
00:40sleep. The problem is, as you can see, we're coming past the house with two or three massive
00:50loads hitting the grids normally at 50 miles an hour because it's a sloping road and the traffic
00:58here from 6am till 10am is horrendous. I'm 73 years of age. I'm now retired. I would like some
01:07peace and quiet in my own house. I think I'm entitled to that. There's two grids here together.
01:14They should never have been put next to one another because the metal rim of each grid
01:22will go ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk. It's vibrating continually
01:30and causing a great noise nuisance and also affecting our mental health because we can't get
01:39any sleep. So at 11.30am they've proceeded to cover two massive grids in this tarmac
01:59thinking that that will suffice and sort out the job. It will not.
