• 2 months ago
വിധിയിലും നീതിന്യായ വ്യവസ്ഥയിലും നൂറ് ശതമാനം വിശ്വാസമുണ്ടെന്നും തൻ്റെ മകന് നീതി ലഭിച്ചതായും അമ്മയുടെ പ്രതികരണം.


00:00We are completely satisfied with the judgement.
00:02She was punished.
00:04Not only that,
00:06the prosecution and the police
00:08were not fined.
00:10That is,
00:12the prosecution and the police
00:14were not stressed
00:16about the 307
00:18which is an attempt to murder.
00:20The judge has found it.
00:22The judge
00:24said everything
00:26in detail.
00:28You must have heard about it.
00:30She was punished
00:32according to the gravity of the case.
00:34We are completely satisfied with the judgement.
00:36We consider it as a blessing from God.
00:38We pray to God.
00:40There is a case in which the mother was left out.
00:42Do you have anything to say about that?
00:44There is no problem with that.
00:46The court's findings are fully accepted.
00:48The mother was left out
00:50due to lack of evidence.
00:52We are completely in the court.
00:54We are always in touch with the court.
00:56The judge is a good man.
00:58He gave a fair judgement.
01:00We are completely satisfied with the judgement.
01:02We are satisfied.
01:04What do you say about this judgement?
01:06I am satisfied.
01:08I am satisfied.
01:10My dear son.
01:12My dear son.
01:14I am in tears.
01:16I am in tears.
01:18God came down
01:20as a good judge.
01:22We are in tears.
01:24We are in tears.
