• 2 months ago
Donald Duck is at the beach and tries to ride a rubber horse. He notices Pluto sleeping at the shore and decides to have some fun with him by sending the rubber horse over to Pluto which completely mesmerizes him. Meanwhile, a tribe of ants abduct Donald's picnic lunch. Donald lays out fly paper to stop the ants. Pluto follows one of the ants and, of course, he and later Donald become enmeshed in the fly paper.
Donald Duck and Pluto go to the seashore for a nice quiet picnic. But a colony of ants, appearing as a band of painted Indians, swoop down the chocolate-layer cake, and start to haul it away by pieces. Meanwhile, Pluto gets tangled up in some flypaper which Donald has placed to capture the marauding ants.
Donald Duck is vacationing at the beach setting up his beach picnic. After Donald is done setting the picnic food, he decides to go for a swim, taking his inflatable horse (Which is colored yellow with red spots including a red spot on his back representing a saddle, a red stripe around his muzzle representing a bridle, and a red spot on his rear representing the tail. Designed with a yellow ring for his tail located on his rear red tail spot, and an air valve sticking out of his nose), adaptly named Seabiscuit and tossing him in the water, he jumps on Seabiscuit, trying to ride him, only to slip right off the bobbing rubber horse and fall into the water.

An annoyed Donald sits up, then tries to mount with difficulty on the rubber horse rolling out from under him on the first time until at the second time he finally succeeds in mounting him, all the while he interprets Seabiscuit bobbing, bouncing, and slipping in the water as being frisky and, decides to attempt to sooth him with soft verbal requests too like "calm down" and "take it easy" as if he were talking to a real horse. After mounting on Seabiscuit's saddle spot, Donald exclaims "Giddy up!" and kicks the rubber horse so hard they flew a short distance before tumbling in the water, with Donald being tossed off in the process.

An annoyed Donald emerges out of the water looking around before coming in contact with the bobbing Seabiscuit's nose-valve on his head, much to his annoyance. Angrily, Donald grabbing the rubber horse's neck, and pulling him in the water yells "Hey! You rubber nag!" Donald then hears what sounds like someone snoring in the water only to see Pluto sleeping on the shore gargling and near-drowning with the approaching water from the rising tide. Donald at this point, decides to play a prank on Pluto, who woke up from a wave causing him to cough.
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