• 2 months ago


00:00This next quarterback finished as QB 16 through 20 touchdowns and only six interceptions
00:05But I think the bar was set so high that it was almost impossible for this young man to achieve
00:10Who is it and what happened this season?
00:13what happened is the Chicago Bears which when you take the Chicago Bears and
00:18You have the head coaching there and the offensive coordinator there and the culture there that is poor that has not developed young quarterbacks
00:27Let's see ever. I mean, is that a hot take folks? Is it I mean you want to go back to Jim McMahon?
00:34Like when do you want to go back to the Bears developing a quarterback because I'm curious because it just it hasn't happened
00:39They haven't had prolific Bears quarterback. Those two words just have not really existed in space and time that you've developed in-house. Okay
00:47Caleb Williams if you look at his stats and you compare him to Bo Nix and I took the picture away you would think okay
00:53That's probably Caleb Williams here, right 29 touchdowns, whatever it no, he'll Williams just 20 touchdowns
00:58It looks a lot more like what we expect out of Bo Nix on the high end
01:02And instead this is the very low end of Caleb Williams. So how do you fix this scale?
01:06Well, you fix it with the right head coach a lot of ramblings and rumblings are going on about maybe Mike McCarthy being that guy
01:13And he's a guy that has developed quarterbacks before he worked with Favre. He worked with Rogers
01:17He's worked with Dak people can make jokes about that
01:20but you know what the guy has a track record there and he's a stable coach and
01:25Caleb Williams sometimes his own worst enemy
01:27He takes far too many sacks led the league in sacks taken too
01:30So he's got to learn to get rid of the football. He holds the football too long
01:34He tries too hard and if you saw something last night to the Jaden Daniels performance
01:38It's I think a maturity beyond his years where you would see it wasn't there
01:43Jane Daniels would roll out instead of taking a sack. He just throws the football away
01:47I can't tell you how many balls I watched Peyton Manning and Tom Brady throw away in my life
01:51That's the mark of a quarterback who gets it. I'm not taking sacks Stroud took too many sacks last night that hurt them
01:57I kept pushing him out of field goal range push him out of big spots
01:59Sometimes you just got to live to fight another down and that's something Caleb Williams better have to learn to do quickly
02:04Otherwise, he's gonna continue to struggle to become an elite level quarterback, which is what he was drafted to be
