• 2 months ago
پلوامہ کے علاقے سرنو میں عوام کی جانب سے میٹرنٹی ہسپتال کی تعمیر کا مطالبہ کیا جارہا ہے تاہم خواتین کی مشکلات دور کیا جاسکے۔


00:00We have made a promise to build a 100-bed hospital or 200-bed hospital here, so that at least
00:25two districts of Dargham can get some part of Akhar Pera and Akhar Pera Patta.
00:29They will get some benefit.
00:30There is a village called Laianda, which is 110 km from here.
00:34We had promised that we will build a hospital here.
00:37But the work has not started yet.
00:39There is an indoor swimming pool here and a digital library.
00:41They have not given us any benefit.
00:43We are waiting for the work to start in the hospital.
00:47We have made a promise to build a hospital in Akhar Pera and Akhar Pera Patta.
00:53But the hospital was not built.
00:55We have made a promise to build a hospital in Akhar Pera and Akhar Pera Patta.
00:57But the hospital was not built.
00:59We have made a promise to build a hospital in Akhar Pera and Akhar Pera Patta.
01:01But the hospital was not built.
01:03We have made a promise to build a hospital in Akhar Pera and Akhar Pera Patta.
01:05But the hospital was not built.
