Farah Khan recently visited the glorious Ellora caves. However, she was not alone, the filmmaker was accompanied by Ashutosh Gowariker during her trip. Farah Khan recently took to the stories section of her official IG handle and dropped a picture with the 'Lagaan' maker. Sharing the pic, the director wrote, "Thank you @ashutoshgowariker 4 this trip." Farah Khan also posted a video sharing the encapsulating view of the Ellora caves, along with the caption, "Morning AT #elloracaves stunning!". Her most recent post was holding a Rs 20 noted in the photo captioned, "When in ellora do bachkandi harkats!!"
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00:00Farah Khan recently visited the glorious Ellora Caves.
00:04However, she was not alone.
00:06The filmmaker was accompanied by Ashutosh Gowariker during her trip.
00:10Farah Khan recently took to the stories section of her official IG handle and dropped a picture
00:15with the lagan maker.
00:17Sharing the pic, the director wrote,
00:19Thank you our Ashutosh Gowariker for this trip.
00:22Farah Khan also posted a video sharing the encapsulating view of the Ellora Caves along
00:27with the caption, Morning at Narnia Ellora Caves, Stunning.
00:32Her most recent post was holding a Rs 20 noted in the photo captioned, When in Ellora do
00:37Bachkhandi Harkat.
00:38Meanwhile, during a recent media interaction, Farah Khan disclosed that it has become quite
00:45challenging to work with Shah Rukh Khan now as every time they work on a song, the pressure
00:50doubles because they have created such iconic numbers together in the past.
00:55The director added that their previous collaborations have already set a high standard.
01:01Farah Khan also stated that with each new project, it becomes a constant challenge to
01:06live up to the legacy they've created together, adding stress to the process.
01:11In the meantime, Farah Khan's last directorial venture was the 2014 heist drama, Happy New
01:17Year, featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan, Sonu Sood, Boman Irani,
01:25Vivaan Shah and Jackie Shroff, among others.