• 2 months ago
Nadi Weekend (9/1/25)


00:00How was your life in the last two weeks?
00:04We know that you finally broke the 100m world record.
00:10First of all, I'm very grateful.
00:13I've been working hard for a long time to break the record of Puan G Shanti.
00:21I've broken the record twice but I didn't make it.
00:28I was very sad.
00:31This time, not only did KLM break the world record,
00:37but the world athletes also broke the record.
00:42For me, when the world athletes break the world record,
00:45our name and points will go up.
00:50There are a lot of international competitions that we can go to.
00:55The points will go up.
00:57It will be a great experience for me.
01:02It will be remembered by the next generation.
01:09What is your dream after 31 years?
01:16My dream is to meet my idol.
01:23You're going to break the record.
01:29My idol.
01:30Is this your first time meeting him?
01:31Yes, it's my first time.
01:32I've seen him on TV before.
01:37I'm very happy to meet him.
01:40I'm very proud of him.
01:43We know that there was no advanced technology back then.
01:47How did they train?
01:50I'm from a young generation.
01:54There are a lot of advanced technology now.
02:00It's embarrassing if I don't break the world record.
02:05I have a question.
02:07Did you break the world record when you were young?
02:10No, I didn't.
02:11I broke the world record when I was five months old.
02:16I was born in August.
02:18I was born to break the world record.
02:22I'm happy to break the world record.
02:25Where were you when you broke the world record?
02:30October 12th, 2024.
02:33I was at home.
02:35It was Saturday.
02:37I was at home.
02:39I heard about it from my friends.
02:44They told me that it was a good thing.
02:47I was supposed to break the world record when I was 31 years old.
02:53I was both happy and sad.
02:56I was happy that I broke the world record.
02:59I was sad that I didn't break the world record when I was 31 years old.
03:03I was sad.
03:14I was sad that I didn't break the world record when I was 31 years old.
03:18I was sad that I didn't break the world record when I was 31 years old.
03:21I was sad that I didn't break the world record when I was 31 years old.
03:24I was sad that I didn't break the world record when I was 31 years old.
