• 2 months ago
बोकारो में बालीडीह रेलवे स्टेशन के पास एक अज्ञात महिला का शव पुलिस ने बरामद किया है. शव मिलने से इलाके में सनसनी फैल गई.


00:00We got an information that a woman's body is lying here. We are on our way to her body.
00:10We will let you know when we reach Sandhan.
00:14What do you think about this?
00:16This is a dead body of a woman. We are waiting for FSL.
00:21We have not reached there yet. We are waiting for FSL.
00:27How long will FSL take?
00:29We have not reached there yet. We are waiting for FSL.
00:37What is the age of the woman?
00:39I think the age of the woman is between 20 and 25.
