• 2 months ago
पूर्वी सिंहभूम में अज्ञात चोरों के द्वारा कॉपर क्वायल की चोरी कर ली गई. साथ ही बिजली कर्मचारियों को रातभर बंधक बनाए रखा.


00:00On Saturday night, at the Bidut Substation in Hatha, Potka, Simbhum district, 10 unidentified
00:07thieves, on the pretext of murder, on a night duty, made two workers prisoners and stole
00:13lakhs of rupees worth of copper and coal.
00:16The prisoners said that the transformer was cut by the gas and about 8 lakhs worth of
00:22copper was stolen.
00:23In this, the workers of the electricity department are in a state of fear.
00:27At present, information has been given to the police of Potka police station.
00:31At the same time, the DSP is involved in investigating the Sandeep Bhagat case.
00:57of the case.
