• il y a 2 mois
Aryna Sabalenka ne tremble pas dans cet Open d'Australie 2025. La Biélorusse a remporté le tournoi de Brisbane et restait sur huit victoires consécutives, avec un seul set perdu avant son huitième de finale ce dimanche. Bousculée par Clara Tauson au troisième tour, elle a cette fois écrasé la pépite russe Mirra Andreeva, 6-1, 6-2. L'adolescente avait été torpillée par la native de Minsk 6-3, 6-2 le 4 janvier dernier. La double tenante du titre, impériale, a dicté sa loi et imposé sa puissance de frappe. Sabalenka jouera son neuvième quart de suite en Grand Chelem. Impressionnant. Elle se frottera à Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova pour une place en demies.


00:00Oui, je suis super contente d'avoir gagné cette victoire, Myriam est si jeune, si mature,
00:08c'est un très bon joueur, elle peut jouer de très bons tennis et je suis super contente d'avoir gagné cette victoire.
00:16Any questions?
00:18Congratulations. I'm curious to know, Pam Shriver came out overnight and was critical of the scheduling.
00:25Pam Shriver. She just said that the Australian Open seems to be putting all the women's matches early,
00:32getting them out of the way, giving the men's matches prime time. I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on that
00:38or do you prefer playing in the day?
00:40I mean, I like to play both because if you finish early then you have time for dinner, to relax, you're not that late,
00:49your sleep is better, but also, of course, I like to play 7pm matches, not the second after 7pm, after guys, I don't want that.
00:58Because, yeah, it's the full stadium, it's a great atmosphere, so I like both, but I don't know, like the first day I played 7pm,
01:07like I think yesterday there was 7pm girls matches, so I'm not sure about that.
01:13I mean, so far I'm happy with the scheduling, I cannot relate to this.
01:21Congratulations, Serena. You had to fight hard in your two previous matches.
01:26How much did kind of working through those tight moments help you today bring out your best tenets?
01:32Well, definitely, when you struggle with your game and you had to overcome a lot of things in the match and you still win the match,
01:38it gives you so much confidence going into the next one, you know that no matter what's going to happen in the match,
01:45you're going to be there, you're going to be fighting, like your fight spirit is there, you know.
01:50So, yeah, definitely those matches gave me so much belief that no matter what, I'm going to be there and I'm going to be fighting.
02:00Congrats. I just wondered, how bothered are you by head-to-head records against other players before a match?
02:07Like, obviously today you had a good record against Mirror, you could play Donner in the next round, who has a good record against you.
02:13Do you look at that things and does that affect how you prepare for matches?
02:17Not at all. You know, for me, every match is a new opportunity, it's a new game.
02:22It doesn't matter what happened in the past. For me, it's about staying in the moment and focusing on myself and on bringing my best game
02:31because I know that if I'll be able to bring my best game, I know that I can get the win.
02:37So I'm trying to focus on myself.
02:40Do you think there was a point in your career where maybe that would be a factor and you might be intimidated by a bad record?
02:46Yeah, of course. I think when you're young, you're focusing too much on outside things.
02:52And then with experience, you realize that it actually doesn't matter.
02:56You know, whatever happened outside of the tennis court, it's not a big deal.
02:59You just have to focus on yourself in the moment and play just point by point.
03:05Hello Irina and congratulations. Yesterday, Iga spent 70 minutes on court. Today, you beat her, you spent 62.
03:13Is this the difference between a number one and a number two?
03:16Oh my God, these questions. I mean, I have to say, it's definitely not something we're focusing on, you know.
03:25That's my answer.
03:29Irina, you just spoke about, you used the word struggling. You're on top of the world now.
03:34But if you go back a couple of years and you were having all the serving issues, the double faults, etc.
03:41How did you get yourself out of that situation on the mental side?
03:48Because that would be the biggest issue when that sort of thing is happening, to get you to where you are now.
03:55And was it a fight with yourself or how can you explain that?
04:00Because it's such a transformation. It's been quite remarkable.
04:04Honestly, when I look back, I think someone was just like forcing me to try something else to improve my serve.
04:11Because my serve right now is much better.
04:16Even before that situation happened with my serve, I was serving pretty well.
04:22But right now, looking back, it wasn't enough for winning the Grand Slam.
04:26So I'm actually, at the end, I'm super happy that that happened to me.
04:30And I was able to reach out to Gavin McMillan.
04:38I still don't know his surname. I'm sorry, Gavin. He's going to forgive me.
04:44And yeah, we worked on the bad mechanic and we improved my serve so much.
04:50And answering the question how I was able to get out from that situation, I don't know.
04:56Honestly, we tried so many things.
04:59And at some point, you just have to step back and you have to realize a lot of things in life.
05:04And you come to the point when you understand that tennis is just tennis.
05:10There are bigger things in life.
05:12And you just have to try your best. You have to, I don't know, just go through it.
05:18You just have to go out there without any fear of losing the match or facing the same struggle one more time.
05:26So I don't know. Honestly, I don't know.
05:30I just have so much love for the sport.
05:34And I was just like, keep trying, keep trying.
05:36And finally, I found a way and I improved my serve.
05:40And I was able to achieve so many things.
05:42Did you lose belief?
05:44Yeah, there was a point when I was like, OK, you know what? I'm done here.
05:47I think it's time to go and do something else in life.
05:51And, you know, I think this is the moment when you have to push yourself to try one more time.
05:57Because this is the moment where you can turn around things.
06:04So you obviously revealed on the court that you have your Polaroid goals for this year.
06:08Are there any other non-tennis goals that you have set yourself for 2025?
06:12I was wrong. It was Fujifilm, first of all.
06:16No, it's just like, I don't know.
06:20It's just a nice moment and I really like to see all of those pictures.
06:26I started from the preseason and it's so cute to see these little moments.
06:31And other than that, I don't know.
06:34I mean, I just want to, you know, improve myself every day,
06:39get better as the player, as the person and capture great moments.
06:43Hopefully I'm going to have enough.
06:45So far, that's it.
06:49We've seen a lot of players in the past who get to be number one or win a Grand Slam
06:53and they have a hard time with the attention and the pressure that comes with that.
06:57It seems like you're having more fun than ever as number one and as a Grand Slam champion.
07:01Is that accurate? Is this all just fun for you?
07:04Are there parts of the pressure that you can notice
07:06or is it just really something you're just as happy as you seem?
07:10Bien sûr qu'il y a la pression.
07:12Et ça n'a pas d'importance si tu es numéro un, numéro deux ou numéro dix.
07:16Il y a toujours la pression.
07:17Et je pense que c'est tout un sujet de se concentrer sur soi-même,
07:21de s'amuser à l'extérieur du court,
07:24de s'amuser à l'extérieur du court,
07:27parce qu'il y a suffisamment de pression à l'intérieur du court.
07:29Et je pense que c'est tout un sujet de la balance.
07:31Tu dois faire des choses qui te donnent plaisir dans la vie.
07:35Et aussi, tu dois sortir et tu dois compéter et te battre.
07:38Et encore une fois, c'est tout un sujet de la balance, ces deux choses.
07:42Est-ce que tu as suivi la bande TikTok qui peut se produire aux Etats-Unis?
07:46Oui, j'ai entendu parler de ça.
07:48Mais ce n'est pas quelque chose que nous pouvons contrôler.
07:50Et j'espère qu'ils vont le comprendre, parce que j'adore TikTok.
07:55D'accord, quelques-unes plus pour Meini.
07:57J'ai juste une question.
07:59L'année dernière, dans la quarte finale de Roland-Garros,
08:02comment t'as-tu senti?
08:03T'étais-tu malade?
08:04On ne t'a pas vu depuis des mois après ça.
08:06Je ne sais pas si tu as déjà parlé de ça.
08:08Oui, c'était un match très dur.
08:12J'étais en pause du ventre.
08:15Et c'était la pire sensation que j'ai jamais eue dans mon ventre.
08:18Et je pense que c'était juste la combinaison du stress
08:21et d'avoir des problèmes dans le ventre.
08:24En plus du stress, c'était...
08:27Je n'ai jamais eu ce genre de douleur.
08:30Je ne pouvais pas bouger.
08:33J'ai réussi à faire la course,
08:36mais c'était la situation la plus difficile que j'ai jamais eue.
08:44J'ai fait quelques ajustements dans mon ventre
08:49avant le match,
08:51et j'espère vraiment que ça ne se reproduira jamais.
08:55Est-ce que tu étais trop malade pour venir à la presse?
08:57Combien de temps a-t-il fallu pour t'en sortir et te sentir bien?
09:02Je dirais 3 ou 4 jours.
09:04J'étais toujours en train de me battre.
09:06Et ensuite, les choses ont commencé à s'améliorer.
09:14Tu jouais Donna ou Anastasia dans la prochaine ronde.
09:17Si tu devais choisir l'un des deux, qui serait-ce?
09:21Ça ne m'importe pas.
09:23Je ne m'en soucie pas.
09:25Combien de temps tu connais les deux équipes?
09:27Je les connais très bien.
09:28J'ai joué beaucoup de matchs contre les deux équipes.
09:32Et qui que ce soit qui gagne ce match,
09:34je vais aller là-bas et me battre,
09:37et faire de mon mieux pour passer ce match.
09:42J'ai remarqué que tu portes une boucle,
09:44et je pense que le reste de ton équipe en a aussi.
09:46Je me demande si tu compares les heures dormantes,
09:49et tu es un joueur de top 10,
09:51est-ce qu'il y a une certaine quantité que tu veux obtenir,
09:53et est-ce que tu as atteint ce but la plupart du temps?
09:55Oui, j'aime porter une boucle,
09:57et j'aime voir les données de la boucle.
10:00Je suis en train de suivre mon temps de sommeil,
10:04ma réparation, mon HRV,
10:07et mon équipe passe par mes données,
10:10parfois, pour ajuster un peu mes exercices.
10:14J'aime ça, c'est vraiment utile pour moi.
10:17T'as combien d'heures de sommeil?
10:19Ça dépend.
10:21J'essaie d'arriver à 8-9 heures,
10:23mais pas plus,
10:25parce que si je dors trop,
10:27je suis trop fatiguée.
10:29J'essaie de gérer entre 7 et 9 heures.
