• 2 months ago
Aired (January 18, 2025): Heart Evangelista shares an intimate journal of hers that she wishes to publish soon, which contains all her creative works such as ideas, storyboards, and even designs!

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00:00So for the oath-taking, I had a lot of concealer on my face because I had a lot of makeup on my face because I was so nervous.
00:12The photographer, because we were like that, used a part where there was an oath-taking.
00:17Cheese's hand was in front of my face, so the press people kept on saying,
00:21move to the side, move to the side.
00:23I didn't want to move to the side because I didn't want to be conscious that,
00:26I don't want to be seen, right?
00:29They're like that, they need to be seen on the news.
00:31So I looked stupid because I was like,
00:33is that what she's thinking, that she can't be seen on camera?
00:36But for me, it was totally the opposite.
00:38Oh my!
00:39Don't be nervous, darling.
00:42You can do it.
00:45Well, first and foremost, when Cheese was elected as Senate President,
00:49I was very happy for him when I found out.
00:53I was stressed because, according to the books,
00:56I have to head the Senate Spouses Foundation,
00:59which they've done wonderful things in the past,
01:02but it was so much pressure to me.
01:04Since I was young, my father taught me that,
01:07no matter what your points are on earth,
01:10your points in heaven are different, especially if no one knows about it.
01:13So my points in heaven, it's much better or more important to me than my likes on Instagram.
01:19So I cried.
01:21I was upset because there were so many issues,
01:24and I didn't want to have anything to do with that.
01:26Because when I help, I don't want my sincerity to be tarnished.
01:30Like, you're a politician, that's why you're doing this.
01:32I hated that.
01:33I cried.
01:34I embraced him eventually.
01:36And I saw that, I think, one of the first times that from what I was doing,
01:43I proved to myself what I was working on,
01:46what I gained from that,
01:48wasn't just to wear.
01:51You wear that as an armor.
01:53Fashion is an armor.
01:55But it also is a driving force that can be for good.
01:59And all of my co-workers, all of my sponsors,
02:03all of my contracts,
02:05they all helped.
02:06They all donated.
02:08They were present when I needed them the most.
02:10They were there right away.
02:11And then that's when I had a full purpose,
02:14that this is what I do, and this is what it's for.
02:17So now I've embraced it 100%.
02:20And even when the time comes that I won't be there anymore,
02:23because these things are fleeting,
02:25maybe privately and however I can give a shed light to a certain charity,
02:30I will do it with all my heart.
02:32I won't be afraid anymore.
02:33I don't want to pretend that when I get there,
02:36it's just simple.
02:38I don't want to pretend.
02:40So I will dress accordingly.
02:45Where are we going?
02:47We're going to the salon.
02:48State of the Nation.
02:50The office.
02:51Our center, Francis G.S. Salon.
02:54But I do have a little effort of kind of toning it down a little bit.
02:58Let's not exaggerate.
02:59This isn't gay.
03:01I remember before, I used to be very stressed about the salon.
03:05Because, you know, it's different when it's political.
03:08But now, I'm very excited.
03:11I'm very chill.
03:12And I love my dress.
03:13So thank you so much, Michael.
03:15You are... It's beautiful.
03:16It's cheese. I'm not stressed.
03:18That's why I'm wearing this.
03:20Of course, it's beautiful.
03:22With meetings, and I'm very lucky that,
03:26I'm very privileged that I'm able to set meetings.
03:29Because usually, what we do is, we can do a gala.
03:32Like, per plate, like this.
03:34I kind of hold that thought because,
03:37I kind of believe in galas and all of that for charity.
03:41But I feel like if I can save money,
03:43and not shed out this much,
03:45and if I go straight to the source,
03:46and show them my plans,
03:48and talk to the person in charge,
03:50then I can go straight to,
03:52let's come up with an e-learning building,
03:55or something like that.
03:57So hopefully, if I have enough time,
04:00I really want to come up with a stand-alone building,
04:04where we can supply computers,
04:07where they can have unlimited access to the internet,
04:10which is knowledge.
04:11And that's what the kids need.
04:13It will be a pivotal way of their learning,
04:16and them becoming better versions of themselves
04:19for our future, for the country's future.
04:21So that's what I want.
