• 2 months ago
Thousands of people have taken part in a protest march in the US capital against Donald Trump's inauguration in two days’ time. The protestors converged on the Lincoln Memorial in an event which echoed the women's march eight years ago.


00:00People have come out today to participate in this People's March for a wide variety
00:07of reasons.
00:08They're concerned about reproductive rights under the Trump administration, about LGBTQI
00:14They're also protesting against the war in Gaza, for example.
00:19They're concerned about immigrants' rights given Donald Trump's stated intention to carry
00:24out mass deportations.
00:25It's a significant turnout here, but it's a lot less than came in 2017 when the Women's
00:34March was held one day after Donald Trump was inaugurated for his first term.
00:40That was considered the biggest single day of protest in the U.S.
00:44These numbers are far below that, but the organizers say that doesn't matter.
00:49They're not concerned about making even bigger, even better events, but they want to show
00:54their opposition to this new administration.
00:57I don't like Donald Trump, but I don't like any of them.
01:00I think he is a symptom rather than the cause.
01:03We came today to stand for democracy.
01:06I think that Trump is leading us down a pretty dangerous path.
01:09It's almost like he wants to be above the law.
01:12He has no respect for international law, domestic law.
01:17I'm concerned about the poor, about our migrant brothers and sisters.
01:21The thing that almost always brings me to protest is gun violence and gun safety and
01:25having some sort of sensible gun laws that protect families and children.
01:29This is taking place two days before Donald Trump has sworn in for his second term, and
01:35those plans have been thrown into disarray.
01:38He was supposed to be inaugurated further up here on the wall because of freezing cold
01:44temperatures predicted for the capital for Monday.
01:47That event will now take place indoors.
01:51For more UN videos visit www.un.org
